
They said - and Khaled's hospitality has grown -

قالوا وقد عظمت مبرة خالد

1. They said - and Khaled's hospitality has grown -
The host of guests with sheets and blankets -

١. قالوا وقدْ عظُمَتْ مَبَرّةُ خالِدٍ
قاري الضّيوفِ بطارِفٍ وبتالِدِ

2. What will you die for? So I came up with the argument
That silences all debaters and adversaries -

٢. ماذا تَمُتَّ بهِ فجئْتُ بحجّةٍ
قطَعَتْ بكلِّ مُجادِلٍ ومُجالِدِ

3. If lineage comes between us
We have established proper conduct in place of the father

٣. إنْ يفْترِقْ نسَبٌ يؤلِّف بيْننا
أدَبٌ أقَمْناهُ مُقامَ الوالِدِ