
And of the rainbow from the bow of clouds they sought

وقوراء من قوس الغمام ابتغوا لها

1. And of the rainbow from the bow of clouds they sought
An example for it without any doubt

١. وَقَوْرَاءَ مِنْ قَوْسِ الْغَمَامِ ابْتَغُوا لَهَا
مِثَالاً أَدَارُوهَا بِلاَ شَكِّ

2. So between the Pleiades and the ground its mass was blocked
And for the revolving sphere it had become relating

٢. فَبَيْنَ الثُّرَيَّا وَالثَّرَى سُدَّ جرْمُهَا
وَلِلْفَلَكِ الدَّوَّارِ قَدْ أَصْبَحَتْ تَحْكِي

3. It molds the still water in the river constantly
Pieces of light that were refined from alloy

٣. تَصُوغُ لُجَيْنَ الْمَاءِ فِي النَّهْرِ دَائِما
دَرَاهِمَ نَوْرٍ قَدْ خَلصَنْ مِنْ السَّبكِ

4. And it sends from its meteors that have a tail
Trying to stealthily hear from the realm of dominion

٤. وَتُرْسِلُ مِنْ شُهْبَانِهَا ذَا ذُؤابَةٍ
فَتَبْغِي اسْتِرَاقَ السَّمْعِ عَنْ حَوْزَةِ الْمُلْكِ

5. It remembered the era in which it was invented
And yearned so it does not cease lamenting crying

٥. تَذَكَّرَتِ الْعَهْدَ الَّذِي اخْتُرِعَتْ بِهِ
وَحَنَّتْ فَمَا تَنْفَكُّ سَاجِعَةً تَبْكِي