
My youth was illuminated by old age's dawn

تبلج بالشبيبة صبح شيبي

1. My youth was illuminated by old age's dawn
Its night has turned its back and departed

١. تَبَلّجَ بالشّبيبةِ صُبْحُ شَيْبي
فأدْبَرَ لَيْلَها وولّى

2. Yet I did not conceal the dawn's full moons in ignorance
Can the morning be hidden when it reveals itself?

٢. ولمْ أسْتُرْ بُدورَ الصُّبْحِ جَهْلاً
وهلْ يَخْفى الصّباحُ إذا تجلّى

3. Old age has curbed my determination's zeal
With some of the draft of its sweetened chalice

٣. لقدْ كبَحَ المَشيبُ جُموحَ عَزْمي
بعَضِّ لِجامِ مَطيّتِهِ المُحَلّى

4. So farewell era of youth, go safely
And hello o flower of return, greetings

٤. فَيا عهْدَ الصِّبا سِرْ في أمانِ
ويا وِرْدَ الرّدَى أهْلاً وسَهْلا