
O You upon whom the nation seeks counsel

يا من به للملة استبشار

1. O You upon whom the nation seeks counsel
And towards whom perfection is gestured if mentioned

١. يا مَنْ بهِ للمِلّةِ اسْتِبْشارُ
وإلَيْهِ إنْ ذُكِرَ الكَمالُ يُشارُ

2. Muhammad, the Praised One, lives protected
By God's decree which runs its course

٢. أمُحمّدُ المحْمودُ دُمْ في عصْمَةٍ
للهِ يمْضي حُكْمَها المِقْدارُ

3. A full moon, and none but the Caliphate is its halo
A sun, and none but the Exalted has its orbit

٣. بدْراً وما غيرُ الخِلافَةِ هالَةٌ
شمْساً وما غيْرُ العَلاء مَدارُ

4. A rain, and none but bounty is its cloud
A lion, and none but the lionesses have claws

٤. غيْثاً وما غيرُ النّوالِ سَحابةٌ
ليْثاً وما غيرُ الظُّبا أظْفارُ

5. Ten hours have passed separating
The party of nightfall as if it were tenths

٥. مرّتْ منَ السّاعاتِ عشْرٌ فصّلَتْ
حِزْب الدُّجى فكأنّهُ أعْشارُ

6. The night has turned its back and morning
Dawns against the darkness and day breaks

٦. طابَتْ بمَوْلِدِ خيْرِ مَنْ لضَريحِهِ
تُزْجى قِلاصٌ أو تُزَمَّ عِشارُ

7. By his birth the best of those whose tomb
Is visited by caravans or tithed crops

٧. والليلُ قد ولّى وحُثَّ وراءَهُ
فجْرٌ يكُرّ على الدُجى ونَهارُ

8. The stars have withered in his presence, though often
Their flowers thrive through him

٨. ذبُلَتْ بهِ زُهْرُ النّجومِ وطالَما
أرِجَتْ بحَضْرَتِهِ لَها أزْهارُ

9. A slit in the dusk turns for wisdom
Hidden, and a matter underneath, secrets

٩. فلَقٌ على شَفَقٍ يكُرّ لحكمَةٍ
خفِيَتْ وأمْرٌ تحْتَهُ أسْرارُ

10. All confer and within Him
Is God, the One, the Omnipotent

١٠. والكُلّ مؤتَمِرٌ وما في ضِمْنِهِ
للّهِ فهْوَ الواحِدُ القَهّارُ