
Perhaps an apparition of you visits my bed

لعل خيالا منك يطرق مضجعي

1. Perhaps an apparition of you visits my bed
And if it strays, my moaning will guide it to my place

١. لَعَلّ خَيالاً منْكَ يطْرُقُ مَضْجَعي
وإنْ ضَلّ يهْدِيهِ الأنينُ لمَوْضِعي

2. Bestow it upon me and send it in the year of separation
And after that do with it what you wish

٢. تَصَدّقْ بهِ وابْعَثْهُ في سِنَةِ الكَرى
وما شِئْتَهُ منْ بعْدِ ذالكَ فاصْنَعِ

3. And if it returns, ask it to answer you with what it sees
Perhaps you will console yourself or perhaps you will be content

٣. وإنْ عادَ فاسْألْهُ يُجِبْكَ بِما يَرى
لعلّك تَرْثي أوْ لعلّكَ تقنَعُ

4. Otherwise, grant me the easiest attainment
That I may complain to you of my love and you hear

٤. وإلاّ فمُنَّ لي بأيْسَرِ نائِلِ
بأنْ أشْتَكي وجْدي إلَيْكَ وتَسمَعُ

5. I knew love to be sweet and bitter in taste
And none is more truthful in his love than the pretender

٥. عرَفْتُ الهَوى حُلْواً ومُرّاً مذاقُهُ
وما صادِقٌ في حُبِّه مثلُ مُدّعي

6. So I have not tasted anything sweeter than beholding the beloved
Nor greater than the affectionate one bidding farewell

٦. فما ذُقْتُ أشْهى منْ مُشاهَدَةِ النّوَى
وأعظَمُ منْ بيْنِ الحَبيبِ المُوَدِّعِ

7. And I could not forget, when I embraced her to bid adieu
The essence of my tears mingled with the pearls of my necklace

٧. ولمْ أنْسَ إذ عانَقْتُها لوَداعِنا
فخالَطَ دُرَّ العِقْدِ جوْهَرُ أدْمُعي

8. She wipes with her right hand the tears of her eyelids
And places her left upon a frightened heart

٨. تُمَسِّحُ باليُمْنى دُموعَ جفونِها
وتَجعلُ يُسْرى فوقَ قلْبٍ مُرَوَّعِ

9. And she said my tears, my yearning and my sighs
Are witnesses to my love for you that I profess

٩. وقالتْ دُموعي واشْتِياقي وزَفْرَتي
شُهودٌ على ما مِنْ غرامِكَ أدّعي

10. If you are absent, all joy departs from me
And I have no life if you are not with me

١٠. فإنْ غِبْتَ غابَ الأنْسُ عنّي بأسْرِهِ
ومالِي منْ عيشٍ إذا لمْ تكُنْ مَعي

11. And when she left and the night had passed
The light of dawn hurried her

١١. ولمّا سرَتْ واللّيلُ قدْ مالَ وانقَضَى
وأعْجَلَها ضَوْءُ الصّباحِ المُلمَّعِ

12. And she could not return the greeting in her fear
She gestured with a glance then winked with a finger

١٢. ولمْ تسْتَطِعْ ردَّ السّلامِ مَخافةً
أشارَتْ بطَرْفٍ ثمّ أوْمَتْ بإصْبَعِ

13. So what patience has its knots not unbound
And what heart thereafter has not cracked

١٣. فأيُّ اصْطبار لمْ تُحَلَّ عُقودُه
وأيّ فؤادٍ بعْدُ لمْ يتصدّعِ

14. May God guard those who keep their word to the beloved
You will not see them turn away from their passion

١٤. رَعَى اللهُ مَنْ يرْعَى العُهودَ على النّوى
فلَسْتَ تَراهُ عنْ هَواهُ بمُقْلِعِ

15. No tear that does not obey the one who calls it
And how different between a disobedient and an obedient tear

١٥. ولا كانَ دمْعٌ لا يُطيعُ لمَنْ دَعا
وكمْ بيْنَ عاصٍ في الدّموعِ وطيّعِ

16. My dear ones, do not think that I
Have forgotten, absence kindled the fires in my ribs

١٦. أحِبّةَ قَلْبي لا تظنّوا بأنّني
نسيتُ وأفْنَى البُعْدُ نِيرانَ أضْلُعي

17. Upon you is God's peace for as long as the morning blows
And for as long as lightning flashes in rumbling clouds

١٧. علَيْكُم سَلامُ اللهِ ما هبّتِ الصَّبا
وما لاحَ برْقٌ في أجارِعِ لعْلَعِ