1. O you who come with all success
Receive good news of the joys you will find
١. يا قادماً وافي بكل نجاح
أبشِر بما تلقاه من أفراح
2. The cups of comfort reminded me
And proximity lowers the wing of my sorrow
٢. راحَتْ تُذكِّرُني كُؤوسَ الرّاحِ
والقُرْبُ يخْفِضُ للجُنوحِ جَناحي
3. It flowed indicating acceptance like
The breeze indicating the emergence of morning
٣. وسَرَتْ تَدُلُّ علَى القَبولِ كمِثْلِ ما
دَلّ النّسيمُ على انْبِلاجِ صَباحِ
4. A beautiful one who sang with the beauty of her traits
Without any jewelry or necklaces or scarf
٤. حَسْناءُ قدْ غَنِيَتْ بحُسْنِ صِفاتِها
عنْ دُمْلُجٍ وقِلادَةٍ ووِشاحِ
5. It invites to spend the night with those who
Their joy flowed in tablets
٥. أمْسَتْ تَحُضُّ على اللِّياذِ بمَنْ جَرَتْ
بسُعودِهِ الأقْلامُ في الألْواحِ
6. With the Caliph of Allah, the supported knight
The full moon of glory, the bright
٦. بخَليفَةِ اللهِ المؤيَّدِ فارِسٍ
قَمَرِ المَعالي الأزْهَرِ الوضّاحِ
7. Whatever you want of resolve and manners has become
Like a meadow or like flowers in bouquets
٧. ما شِئْتَ منْ هِمَمٍ ومنْ شِيَمٍ غَدَتْ
كالرّوْضِ أو كالزّهْرِ في الأدْواحِ
8. The superiority of kings cannot be attained
How can the sea be compared to drizzle
٨. فَضَلَ المُلوكَ فليْسَ يُدْرَكُ شأوُهُ
أنّى يُقاسُ الغَمْرُ بالضَّحْضاحِ
9. I forgot the clan of their Abbasids with their banners
Mansur or with their swords the bloodshedder
٩. أنْسَى بَني عبّاسِهِمْ بلِوائِه ال
مَنْصورِ أو بحُسامِهِ السّفّاحِ
10. And the songs of the kingdom became adorned when he took over
Decorated with the full moon of guidance and the sea of generosity
١٠. وغَدَتْ مَغانِي المُلْكِ لمّا حَلّها
تُزْهَى ببَدْرِ هُدىً وبَحْرِ سَماحِ
11. And the life of those who gifted you the gift of the new comer
In it is the comfort of souls
١١. وحَياةِ منْ أهْداكَ تُحْفَةَ قادِمٍ
في العَرْفِ منْها راحَةُ الأرْواحِ
12. I still make his mention and his praise
My soul, my basil and my comfort
١٢. مازِلْتُ أجْعَلُ ذِكْرَهُ وثَناءَهُ
رَوْحِي ورَيْحانِي الأريجَ ورَاحي
13. And his love has mingled with my senses
Like the intermingling of bodies and souls
١٣. ولقدْ تَمازَجَ حُبُّهُ بجَوارِحي
كَتَمازُجِ الأجْسامِ في الأرْواحِ
14. And if one day I saw in my hands
My matter I would fly to him without my wings
١٤. ولوَ انّني أبْصَرْتُ يوماً في يَدي
أمْري لطِرْتُ إليْهِ دونَ جَناحي
15. Now time has helped me and my soul was assured
From his proximity the success of my endeavors
١٥. فالآنَ ساعَدَني الزّمانُ وأيْقَنتْ
منْ قُرْبِهِ نَفْسي بفَوْزِ قِداحي
16. Woe O Abu Abdullah and he is
A call of love at your highest
١٦. إيهٍ أبا عَبْدِ الإلهِ وإنّهُ
لَنِداءُ وُدٍّ في عُلاكَ صُراحِ
17. As for if you seek my help after
My winds have stalled for what troubles bring
١٧. أمّا إذا اسْتَنْجَدْتَني منْ بَعْدِ ما
رَكَدَتْ لِما جَنَتِ الخُطوبُ رِياحي
18. To you fallen and I who
Have stated my incapacity and dropped my arms
١٨. فإلَيْكَها مَهْزولَةً وأنا الذي
قرّرْتُ عَجْزي واطّرَحْتُ سِلاحي