
They told me you were captivated by a youth in the bloom of life

قالوا كلفت به غلاما حالكا

1. They told me you were captivated by a youth in the bloom of life
So you gave me the cure that would heal my love-sickness

١. قالُوا كَلِفْتَ بهِ غُلاماً حالِكاً
فأجَبْتُمْ لي فيهِ ما يَشْفي المُهَجْ

2. However much I was driven mad by passion and folly for him
I have set above me a charm to ward off harm from that quarter

٢. مَهْما جُنِنْتُ بهِ هَوًى وصَبابةً
علّقْتُ فَوقي منْهُ حِرْزاً منْ سَبَجْ