1. He revives you with basil and spirit from a grave
God's pleasure with whoever has settled in you for ages
١. يُحَيِّيكَ بالرّيْحانِ والرَّوْحِ منْ قَبْرٍ
رِضا اللهِ عمّنْ حلّ فيكَ مدَى الدّهْرِ
2. Until people rise with darkened faces
To the Resurrector of the dead on the Day of Gathering
٢. الى أنْ يَقومَ النّاسُ تعْنوا وُجوهُهُمْ
الى باعِثِ الأمْواتِ في موْقِفِ الحَشْرِ
3. You are no grave, but a garden
With fragrant basil and scattered blossoms
٣. ولَسْتَ بقَبْرٍ إنّما أنتَ روْضَةٌ
منعَّمَةُ الرَّيْحانِ عاطِرَةُ النّشْرِ
4. If I were to do you justice, I would say nothing
Other than, oh bud of flowers or oyster of pearls
٤. ولوْ أنّني أنْصَفْتُكَ الحَقَّ لمْ أقُلْ
سِوى يا كِمامَ الزّهْرِ أو صَدَفَ الدّرِّ
5. Oh tomb of piety, grave of guidance
Source of glory, place where the full moon sets
٥. ويا مَلْحَدَ التّقوى ويا مَدْفَنَ الهدى
ويا مَسْقِطَ العَليا ويا مَغْرِبَ البَدْرِ
6. In you has unpacked every caliph
Of noble character, a young man of the Bani Nasr
٦. لقد حطّ فيكَ الرّحْلَ أيُّ خليفةٍ
أصيلِ المَعالي غُرّةٍ في بَني نَصْرِ
7. In you has settled glory, honor, and sublimity
The full moon of nighttime and the one seeking refuge from fear
٧. لقدْ حلّ فيكَ العِزُّ والمَجْدُ والعُلا
وبدْرُ الدُّجى والمُسْتَجارُ منَ الذُّعْرِ
8. One like Abu Al Hajjaj, protector of the sanctuary of guidance
One like Abu Al Hajjaj, eraser of the darkness of disbelief
٨. ومنْ كأبي الحَجّاجِ حامي حِمى الهُدى
ومَنْ كأبي الحجّاجِ ماحي دُجى الكُفْرِ
9. Imam of guidance, rain of dew, repeller of transgression
Far reaching in the battle of glory and pride
٩. إمامُ الهُدى غيثُ النّدى دافِعُ العِدى
بَعيدُ المَدى في حوْمَةِ المجْدِ والفَخْرِ
10. The lineage of Sa’d Al Khazraj ibn Ubada
Your lineage a lofty house and an honor suffice
١٠. سُلالَةُ سعْدِ الخزْرَجِ بْنِ عُبادةٍ
وحسْبُكَ من بيْتٍ رفيعٍ ومنْ قَدْرِ
11. When gentleness, forbearance and piety are mentioned
And you speak of its summits, speak of the sea
١١. إذا ذُكِرَ الإغْضاءُ والحِلْمُ والتُّقى
وحدّثْتَ عنْ عَلْياهُ حدِّثْ عنِ البَحْرِ
12. The turning of time has betrayed him, but do you see
Any permanence for the living or consistency in matters?
١٢. تخَوَّنَهُ صرْفُ الزّمانِ وهلْ ترى
بقاءً لحَيٍّ أو دَواماً على أمْرِ
13. Such is the two-faced world, a day and a night
He who has two faces is blamed for treachery
١٣. هوَ الدّهْرُ ذو وجْهَيْنِ يوْمٍ ولَيلَةٍ
ومَنْ كان ذا وجْهَيْنِ يُعْتِبُ في غَدْرِ
14. He died a martyr, bowing in his prayer
A man of piety, eloquent in remembrance
١٤. تولّى شَهيداً ساجِداً في صَلاتِهِ
أصيلَ التُّقى رطْبَ اللِّسانِ منَ الذِّكْرِ
15. The blessed month has recognized the truth of what
It has bestowed an abundance and fulfilled in righteousness
١٥. وقد عرَفَ الشّهْرُ المُبارَكُ حقَّ ما
أفاضَ منَ النعْمى ووفّى منَ البِرِّ
16. And the celebration of Eid al-Fitr has come early while the matter is decided
And there is nothing left but the cup of martyrdom from the feast
١٦. وباكَرَ عيد الفِطْرِ والأمْرُ مُبْرَمٌ
وليسَ سِوى كأس الشّهادَةِ من فِطْرِ
17. It was allowed for him, the Mighty, with awe
Worthless in being and nature and capability
١٧. أُتيحَ لهُ وهْوَ العَظيمُ مَهابَةً
وقَدْراً حَقيرُ الذّاتِ والخُلْقِ والقَدْرِ
18. A wretch came to him with good fortune from Him
And the objection of a people came with a strange occurrence
١٨. شَقيّ أتَتْهُ منْ لدُنْهُ سَعادَةٌ
ومُنْكرُ قومٍ جاءَ بالحادِثِ النّكْرِ
19. The transgression of a lowly one does not tarnish the sublime
And the reasons for God's decree are beyond counting
١٩. وما غضّ منْ عالٍ جِنايةُ سافِلٍ
وأسْبابُ حُكْم اللهِ جلّتْ عنِ الحَصْرِ
20. Thus Ali passed judgement on the son of Muljam
And Al Wahshi struck down the prideful Hamza
٢٠. فهذا عليٌّ قد قضى بابْنِ مُلْجَم
وأوْقَعَ وحْشيُّ بحمْزَةَ ذي الفَخْرِ
21. We prepare the noble swords and spears
While God's command comes from where we know not
٢١. نُعِدُّ السّيوفَ المشرَفيّةَ والقَنا
ويطرُقُ أمْرُ اللهِ منْ حيثُ لا نَدْري
22. Whoever relies on the base world
In a condition one day has fallen into loss
٢٢. ومَنْ كان بالدّنْيا الدنيّةِ واثِقاً
على حالَةٍ يوْماً فقدْ باءَ بالخُسْرِ
23. Oh King of the eternal kingdom
To whom belongs judgement over creation and command
٢٣. فَيا ملِكَ المُلْكِ الذي ليْسَ ينْقَضي
ويا مَنْ إلَيْهِ الحُكْمُ في الخَلْقِ والأمْرِ
24. Shroud our sins in the veil of pardon from You
For we hope for none but Your pardon as a veil
٢٤. تغمّدْ بسِتْرِ العَفْوِ منْكَ ذُنوبَنا
فلَسْنا نرَجّي غيْرَ عَفْوَكَ منْ سِتْرِ
25. And endow the Commander of the Faithful with mercy
That seats him in the Abode of Settlement and reward
٢٥. وخُصَّ أميرَ المُسْلمينَ برَحْمَةٍ
تُبوّئُهُ دارَ المُقامَةِ والأجْرِ
26. For nothing is better with You, oh God, than its reward
More lasting, while the world is a trickster's deception
٢٦. فما عِندَكَ اللهمّ خيرٌ ثَوابُهُ
وأبْقى ودُنْيا المرْءِ خُدْعَةُ مغْتَرِّ
27. And bestow blessings on the Intercessor Guide as long as
The markings of dawn's brilliance appear in the horizon of dawn
٢٧. وصَلِّ على الهادي المُشفَّعِ ما بَدَتْ
سِماتُ الصّباحِ الطّلْقِ في مطْلِعِ الفَجْرِ