
O Abul Ala, time has welcomed you with

أبا العلاء تلقاك الزمان بما

1. O Abul Ala, time has welcomed you with
What you love, and life has yielded its treasures to you freely.

١. أبا العَلاءِ تلَقّاكَ الزّمانُ بِما
تهْوى وأجْنَتْ لكَ الدّنْيا مَجانِيها

2. God has blessed a house you inhabit
And glory has built high mansions with you as builder.

٢. وأسْعَدَ اللهُ بيْتاً أنتَ عامرُهُ
وشيّدَ العِزُّ عُلْيا أنْتَ بانِيها

3. My gift to you is a love that, were I
To send it forth, the world and all in it could not bear its weight.

٣. هديّتي لكَ وُدٌّ لوْ بعَثْتُ به
لمْ يسْتَطِعْ حمْلُهُ الدُنْيا ومَنْ فِيها

4. The power of time, if I reflect, falls short
Of my soul, and my soul falls short of her desires.

٤. وقُدْرَةُ الوقْتِ إنْ فكّرتُ تقْصُرُ عنْ
نفْسي وتقصُرُ نفْسي عنْ أمانِيها

5. So I have sent a meager measure, though gifts
Are measured by the substance of the giver.

٥. وقدْ بعثْتُ بنَزْرِ القَدْرِ محْتَقَرٍ
إنّ الهَدايا على مِقدارِ مُهْديها

6. Look upon it with the eye of approval and grace, not the
Gaze of a foe who seeks in you cause for displeasure.

٦. فانْظُرْ بعيْنِ الرِّضى والسّمْحِ لا نظَرَتْ
عيْنُ العدوِّ لمَرْأىً فيكَ يُرْضيها