
O heir of the Mahdi in the mountain which

يا وارث المهدي في الجبل الذي

1. O heir of the Mahdi in the mountain which
Surpassed mountains, so it became the rising place of its full moon,

١. يا وارِثَ المَهْديّ في الجبلِ الذي
فضَلَ الجِبالَ فكانَ مطْلَعَ بدْرِهِ

2. And in it are his mosque and school from which
He gifted the blossoms of its youthful monotheism,

٢. وبهِ مُصَلاّهُ ومدْرَسُهُ الذي
أهْدى منَ التّوْحيدِ يانِعَ زَهْرِهِ

3. Receive good tidings, for you, after the distant horizon
And the world's renewal of its affair,

٣. أبْشِرْ فإنّكَ بعْدَ ما بعُدَ المَدى
وتولّتِ الدُّنْيا مجَدِّدُ أمْرِهِ

4. Know that you are the restorer of its region
And know that you are the essence of its secret,

٤. واعْلَمْ بأنّكَ أنتَ عامِرُ ربْعِهِ
واعْلَمْ بأنّكَ أنتَ نُكْتَةُ سِرِّه

5. And when you reach your place safely,
Submit to your good fortune in the crisis of its affair.

٥. وإذا بلَغْتَ الى محلِّكَ سالِماً
سلِّمْ لسَعْدِكَ في أزِمّةِ أمْرِهِ