
Glory be to you, O son of Batan, though

لله درك يا ابن بطان فما

1. Glory be to you, O son of Batan, though
The renowned liberality in Al-Basaita has a denier,

١. للّهِ دَرُّكَ يا ابْنَ بَطّانٍ فَما
لشَهيرِ جودِكَ في البَسيطَةِ جاحِدُ

2. If there is one generous person in the world
Who outweighs all, that one is you.

٢. إنْ كانَ في الدُّنْيا كريمٌ واحِدٌ
يزِنُ الجَميعَ فأنْتَ ذاكَ الواحِدُ

3. You bestowed your bounty on Ja`far and he lives by it
Whatever glory there was, your mention is eternal.

٣. أجْرَيْتَ فضْلَكَ جعْفَراً يَحْياَ بِهِ
ما كانَ من مَجْدٍ فذكْرُكَ خالِدُ

4. The people all came together in the one
Son, as the Exalted and Parent willed.

٤. فالقوْمُ منْكَ تجمّعوا في واحِدٍ
ولَدٌ كَما شاءَ العُلاءُ ووالِدُ

5. And these nights, their circumstances still
Afflict the noble, splendid man.

٥. وهيَ اللّيالي لاتزالُ صُروفُها
يَشْقى بموقِعِها الكَريمُ الماجِدُ

6. But with the help of God, that of you which
Time, corrupt, had changed, will be set right.

٦. وبمُسْتَعينِ اللهِ يصْلُحُ منْكَ ما
قدْ كان غيّرَهُ الزّمانُ الفاسِدُ