
O Mustafa, mercy of the Merciful and the light

يا مصطفى الرحمان والنور الذي

1. O Mustafa, mercy of the Merciful and the light
That hid misguidance and revealed monotheism,

١. يا مُصطَفى الرّحمانِ والنّورُ الذي
أخْفى الضّلالَ وأظْهرَ التّوْحيدا

2. The chosen one from the secret of Hashim in the world,
Where the utmost glory settled and ascended,

٢. والمُنْتَقى منْ سرِّ هاشِمٍ في الذُّرى
حيْثُ استقرّ مدى الفَخارِ صُعودا

3. The neighbors of Allah's House and the exalted Arabs
Became seated on the saddles of stars,

٣. جيرانُ بيْتِ اللهِ والعَرَبِ الأُلى
أضْحَوْا على قُنَنِ النّجومِ قُعودا

4. They took up swords as talismans for their young hero
And took up war as a nourishment and saddled their steeds,

٤. تخِذوا السّيوفَ تَمائِماً لوَليدِهِمْ
والحرْبَ ظِئْراً والسّروجَ مُهودا

5. And the great one carried his glory from the arrogant
And the sons inherited continuous glory from their forefathers,

٥. وحَوى الكَبيرُ فخارَهُ عنْ كابِرٍ
وتوارَثَ الأبْناءُ فيهِ جُدودا

6. I held fast the rope of my devotion to you
Neither weakened in creation nor finite,

٦. أعْلَقْتُ كفّي منْكَ حبْلَ مودّتي
لا واهِناً خلَقاً ولا مَجْدودا

7. And I made praising you a means to my God
So I drank eternity in the House of Bliss,

٧. وجعَلتُ مدْحَكَ للإلاهِ وسيلَتي
فشَرِبْتُ في دارِ النّعيمِ خُلودا

8. So when the passions of tribulations storm,
I take refuge in your strong pillar,

٨. فإذا هفَتْ هوجُ الخُطوبِ عَواصِفاً
وافَيْتُ رُكْناً منْ حِماكَ شَديدا

9. And when the hands of sins storm
To wreak havoc, you were the sought refuge,

٩. وإذا عدَتْ أيْدي الذّنوبِ عَواسِفاً
لتَعيثَ كُنْتَ المَلْجأ المقْصودا

10. On the Day of Assembly, your glory creatures will acknowledge
Coming to you in throngs, small and large,

١٠. الخلْقُ يوْمَ العرْضِ جاهَكَ تعْتَفي
تأتي على قدَمِ الصَّغارِ وُفودا

11. Prepared for the Reckoning, apprehensive,
And fearful of the Promised Appointment,

١١. متأهّبينَ الى الحِسابِ ذَواهِلاً
مُتهيِّبينَ الموْقِفَ الموْعودا

12. Hoping in you for the grace of intercession,
And awaiting your praised station,

١٢. راجينَ فيهِ لديْكَ فضْلَ شَفاعةٍ
ومؤمِّلينَ مَقامَكَ المحْمودا

13. Praise be to God for the mounts who carried
Throngs and nobility zealously to your refuge,

١٣. للّهِ درُّ رَكائِبٍ قَطَعتْ الى
مغْنى ثَراكَ تَهائِماً ونُجودا

14. A people the Caller to Guidance awed with his resolve
So they became devout and traversed the wilderness,

١٤. قوْمٌ أهابَ بعزْمِهِمْ داعي الهُدى
فاسْتَشْعَروا التّقْوى وجابوا البِيدا

15. When the darkness of night spreads its wing
They lined their eyelids in preparation for vigil,

١٥. فإذا ظلامُ اللّيلِ مدّ جَناحَهُ
كحّلوا جُفونَ عُيونِهمْ تسْهيدا

16. And when the day shone and the darkness receded
The gazelle of its dawn sun shone beautifully,

١٦. وإذا النّهارُ جَلا الظّلامَ وأتْلَعَتْ
منْ نورِ مِيسَمِها الغَزالَةُ جِيدا

17. They wore humble clothing and shook hands with the dust of departure
And prayed persistently in its severe heat,

١٧. لبسُوا الهَجيرَ وصافَحوا غُبْرَ الفَلا
وصَلوا لَظى رمْضائِهِنّ وَقودا

18. They came to the midst of the roaring sea
And parted with life's pleasures generously,

١٨. وأتوا خضَمَّ الماءِ يزْخَرُ موْجُهُ
فشَرَوْا بإعدامِ الحَياةِ وُجودا

19. They wore just enough to cover a ship's hold
And sought the shade of outstretched hope,

١٩. لبسوا على قدْر مُتونَ سَفينةٍ
وتفيّأوا ظِلّ الرّجا المَمْدودا

20. The white expanse of the sea foam therein
Became a torrent and the ship planks silent,

٢٠. بَيْداءُ لُجّ أصْبَحَتْ فيهِ الرُّبا
فِيحاً وأطْوادُ السّفين قُدودا

21. Winding so the winds could help it
And the mast a body and the rigging skin,

٢١. عُوجاً تُتيحُ لَها الرّياحُ أعنّةً
والسّاجَ جِسْماً والهِناء جُلودا

22. It split the skin of the water, smooth sailing,
Leaving its cheek furrowed,

٢٢. تفْري أديمَ الماءِ وهْيَ نواضِحٌ
منْهُ وتتْرُك خدَّهُ أخْدودا

23. They harbored a shrine whose fragrance spread
And whose ground was sanctified by the light of miracles,

٢٣. أمّوا ضَريحاً طابَ نشْراً عرْفهُ
وزَكا بنورِ المُعْجِزاتِ صَعيدا

24. They made their speech by it a faint prayer
And replaced their slippers with cheeks,

٢٤. جعَلوا الكَلامَ بهِ دُعاءً خافِتاً
واسْتَبْدَلوا فيهِ النِّعالَ خُدودا

25. The gauntness of their bodies made it seem as if
They poured abundant tears generously,

٢٥. شُحُبُ الجُسومِ تخالُهُمْ إذ أجْهَشوا
باناً بأخْلافِ الدَّموعِ مَجودا

26. I swear by the light whose waves
Made the blessed Mount Sinai tremble,

٢٦. أقْسَمْتُ بالنّورِ الذي سَبَحاتُهُ
أضْحى لها الطّورُ المُنيفُ هَديدا

27. Muhammad is the best of all creation
In essence and most generous of the generous,

٢٧. لمُحمّدٌ خيْرُ البريّةِ كلِّها
ذاتاً وأوْسَعَهُمْ لِعافٍ جُودا

28. Sanctify his noble birth and distinguish him
With mention of your holiness and praise,

٢٨. أعْزِزْ بمَوْلِدِهِ الكَريمِ وخُصَّهُ
منْ ذِكْرِك التّقديسَ والتّحْميدا

29. O night you brought us the light of guidance
The best of all creation born

٢٩. يا لَيْلَةً أهْدَتْ لنا نورَ الهُدى
خيْرَ البريّةِ كلِّها مَولودا

30. O night the angels took as a feast day
And the Messengers until the Day of Rising,

٣٠. يا ليلَةً تخِذَ الملائِكُ يومَها
والمُرْسَلونَ الى القِيامَةِ عيدا

31. The idols of Mecca fell prostrate to it
Humbled on the surface of sands, worn down,

٣١. أضْحَتْ لَها أصْنامُ مكّةَ سُجَّداً
ذُلاً على صفْحِ الرُّغامِ هُمودا

32. And the soothsayers were optimistic that their dreams
Became paired and locked to you,

٣٢. وتفاءَلَ الكُهّانُ أن رَئِيَّها
أضْحى لديْكَ مُقرَّناً مصْفودا

33. And the fires of Persia dimmed their flames
And were choked by the smoke of logs,

٣٣. وبُيوتُ فارِسَ أرْمَدَتْ نيرانُها
واعْتاضَ منْ لفْحِ الضِّرامِ خُمودا

34. And desolation came upon Kisra's palace
Toppling its foundations, once firm,

٣٤. وأتتْ على إيواءِ كسْرى رجّةٌ
هدّتْ قواعِدَهُ وكان مَشيدا

35. May Allah send prayers upon you as long as
The morning breeze stirs a slumbering nest gently,

٣٥. صلّى عليْكَ اللهُ ما هفتِ الصَّبا
وَهْناً فهزّتْ مائِساً أمْلودا

36. And the ringdoves in the acacia trees weep
A lament that stirs and chirping,

٣٦. وبَكَتْ حَمامُ البانِ بيْنَ هَديلِها
شجْواً يُهيجُ ورجّعَتْ تغْريدا