1. O You who gives clay every shape of its form
From an example in His knowledge confined
١. يا مَنْ يُفيدُ الطّينَ كلَّ صورَهْ
عنْ مثَلٍ في عِلْمِهِ محْصورَهْ
2. And the revolving sphere from its revolution
And fire that necessarily follows its decree
٢. والفَلَكُ الدّوّارُ منْ دَوّارِهِ
والنارُ تمْضي حُكْمَهُ ضَرورَهْ
3. This one carries wholesomeness and purity
While that one casts filth
٣. فهَذِهِ تحْمِلُ طِيباً طاهِراً
وهذه تُلْقى بِها قاذورَهْ
4. Attributes of the Truth in the example of the unseen
And an apparatus commanded and forbidden
٤. أوْصافُ حقٍّ في مِثالِ باطِنٍ
وآلةٌ مَنْهيّةٌ مأمورَهْ