1. No matter what words may reach my ears,
I wish they were praise for you.
١. مهْما جرَتْ في أُذُني لَفْظَةٌ
ودِدْتُ لوْ كانَتْ ثَناءً عَليْكْ
2. Or if a kiss were mentioned from any lips,
I would never approve of it, except from your hands.
٢. أو ذُكِرَتْ عنْ شَفَةٍ قُبْلَةٌ
لمْ أرْضَها يوْماً سِوى في يَدَيْكْ
3. Or if I had any power over God's blessings
They would all be placed before you.
٣. أوْ كانَ لي في نِعَمِ اللهِ منْ
تَحَكُّمٍ حُطّتْ جَميعاً لَدَيْكْ