1. The truth illuminated my heart until it shone
So I felt a fire on the side of the mountain
١. جَلا الحقُّ قلْبيَ حتّى أنارا
فآنَسْتُ منْ جانِبِ الطّوْرِ نارا
2. And I turned on my axis in a cycle
That makes the owner of its home scorn a palace
٢. ودُرْتُ على مرْكَزي دوْرَةً
يُحَقِّرُ مَنْ دارَها مُلْكَ دَارا
3. And I realized my essence which is a treasure
So I brought it out when I demolished the wall
٣. وحقّقْتُ إنِّيتِي وهْيَ كَنْزٌ
فأخْرَجْتُهُ إذ هدَمْتُ الجِدارا
4. And I saw my image, an amazing image
And I saw my description, a wondrous description
٤. وأبْصَرْتُ رسْمي رَسْماً مَحيلا
وأبْصرْتُ وصْفيَ وصْفاً مُعارا
5. So whoever is like me attained wealth
And reveled and dragged his train boasting
٥. فمَنْ كانَ مثْليَ نالَ الغِنى
وباهَى وجرّ الذّيولَ افْتِخارا
6. He threw the shackles of existence with his illusions
And freed the shackles and undid the bonds
٦. رمَى للوجودِ بأوْهامِهِ
وحَلَّ القُيودَ وفكَّ الإسارا
7. And after that he was no longer pleased with people as people
And after that he was no longer pleased with a home as a home
٧. ولمْ يرْضَ منْ بعْدُ بالأهْلِ أهْلاً
ولمْ يرْضَ منْ بعْدُ بالدّارِ دارا
8. So whatever I say, I say as a reminder
And whatever I am silent, I am silent as a lesson
٨. فمَهْما نطَقْتُ نطقْتُ ادِّكارا
ومهْما صمَتُّ صمتُّ اعْتِبارا
9. And a monastery I made my way to
And I crossed the darkness and rode the seas
٩. وديْرٍ قطَعْتُ إليْهِ الفَلا
وجُبْتُ الدُّجى وركِبْتُ البِحارا
10. And for its sake I reproached youths
You see them drunk yet they are not drunk
١٠. ونادَمْتُ منْ أجْلِهِ فِتْيَةً
تَراهُمْ سُكارى وما هُمْ سُكارى
11. We were tasked with it in the course of talk
So we stood drinking its potions
١١. كلِفْنا بهِ في سِياقِ الحَديثِ
فقُمْنا نُعاقِرُ فيهِ العُقارا
12. And when we reached its bosom
We reached love and cast off dignity
١٢. ولمّا حلَلْنا بأكْنافِهِ
حلَلْنا الحُبا ونبَذْنا الوَقارا
13. And we flew in it relieved
And whoever ecstasy and longing shook flew
١٣. وطِرْنا الى الرّاحِ فيهِ ارْتِياحا
ومَنْ هزّهُ الوجْدُ والشّوْقُ طارَا
14. And glimpses of lightning flashed for them
Appearing again and again and hiding again and again
١٤. ولاحَتْ لهُمْ خَطَفاتُ البُروقِ
تلوحُ مِراراً وتخْفى مِرارا
15. Wherein majesty contends with beauty
And they are between grasping and expanding, confused
١٥. يُعارضُ فيها الجَلالُ الجَمالَ
فهُمْ بيْنَ قبْضٍ وبسْطٍ حَيارَى
16. We clamored to its monk clamorously
And we said we extended our palms needfully
١٦. زَعَقْنا براهِبِهِ زعْقَةً
وقُلْنا مدَدْنا الأكُفَّ افْتِقارا
17. And for the sake of your wine we crossed the desert
And braved the darkness and traversed the wastelands
١٧. ومنْ أجْلِ خمْرِكَ جُبْنا الفَلا
وخُضْنا الدُّجى وقطَعْنا القِفارا
18. So he said what is its bride-price with you
And we said we sacrificed the passionate souls
١٨. فقال وما مهْرُها عندَكُمْ
فقُلْنا أمَتْنا النّفوسَ الغيارى
19. So every wise one and mention of a wise one
Toward it we inclined and to it we gestured
١٩. فكُلُّ حَكيمٍ وذِكْرُ حَكيمٍ
عليْها حَنا وإليْها أشارا
20. Sacrosanct from a place seen
Transcendent from a ray which faded
٢٠. مقدّسَةً عنْ مَكانٍ يُرى
منزّهَةً عنْ شُعاعٍ تَوارَى
21. Liberated, the Jews embodied it
And after them the Christians made it a trinity
٢١. معتّقَةً جسّمَتْها اليَهودُ
ومنْ بعْدِها ثلّثَتْها النّصارى
22. And the Brahmins and Persians said about it
Having ignored the truth, light and fire
٢٢. وقال البَراهِمُ والفُرْسُ فيها
وقد جهِلوا الحقَّ نوراً ونارا
23. And we were absent so we did not know our affair
Except that we were overcome perforce
٢٣. وغِبْنا فلَمْ ندْرِ منْ أمْرِنا
سوى أنّنا قدْ غُلِبْنا اضْطِرارا
24. To you O prophet of guidance
I direct speech befitting your choice
٢٤. إلَيْكَ سَميَّ نَبيِّ الهُدى
مَقالاً يُطابِقُ منْكَ اخْتِيارا
25. It called me to what I am not worthy of
Your sublimity so I came trying my utmost
٢٥. دعَتْني لِما لسْتُ أهْلاً لهُ
عُلاكَ فجئْتُ بجَهْدي ائْتِمارا
26. So cover over its deficiency with perfection
And consider your acceptance from me an apology
٢٦. فغَطِّ على نقْصِهِ بالكَمالِ
وأوِّل قُبولَكَ منّي اعْتِذارا