
I swear by the night and all it envelops

قسما بالليل وما وسقا

1. I swear by the night and all it envelops
And the radiant moon when it becomes full

١. قَسماً باللّيلِ وما وسَقا
وإيَاةِ البدْرِ إذا اتّسَقا

2. And the bright piercing star when it sets
As a stone hurled and the dawn when it spreads

٢. والنّجْمِ الثّاقِبِ حينَ هَوى
رجْماً والصُبْحِ إذا انْفَلَقا

3. And the light of Mount Sinai when it shone
And Moses fell down overwhelmed

٣. وبنورِ الطُّوْرِ وقدْ أضْحى
مُوسَى لجلالَتِهِ صَعِقا

4. The angels of Your kingdom tell me
That it is created for eternity

٤. لَمَخائِلُ مُلْكِكَ تُخْبِرُني
أنّ التّأبيدَ لَها خُلِقا

5. You revived the faith when it faded
And restored the kingdom when it decayed

٥. أحْيَيْتَ الدّينَ وقدْ أوْدَى
وأعَدْتَ المُلْكَ وقد خلِقا

6. O Helper of God's faith and the one
Who finds refuge and trusts in His care

٦. يا ناصِرَ دينَ اللهِ ومَنْ
بعِنايَتِهِ الوُثْقى وَثِقا

7. You prepared your kingdom illuminated
Under the shade of intimacy and shelter

٧. مهّدْتَ لمُلْكِكَ مُصْطَبِحاً
في ظِلِّ الأنْسِ ومُغْتَبِقا

8. And you organized glorious glory
Which fortune sang for you and watered

٨. ونظَمْتَ المَجْدَ فوافِرُهُ
غنّاكَ السّعْدُ بهِ وسَقَى

9. Andalusia prospered in your presence
And delighted in your neighborhood and rest

٩. طابَتْ بوجودِكَ أنْدَلُسٌ
حسُنَتْ بجوارِكَ مُرتَفَقا

10. If an enemy devil transgressed it
Seeking to steal from your heavens

١٠. إنْ طافَ بها شيْطانُ عِدىً
يبْغي بسَمائِكَ مُسْتَرَقا

11. Or if an intruder corrupted its houses
Your good fortune expelled him in flames

١١. أو جاسَ خِلالَ منازِلها
قذَفَتْهُ سُعودُكَ فاحْتَرَقا

12. God chose Joseph from among
The elite rulers, as a guide and piety

١٢. اللّهُ تُخَيّرَ يُوسُفَ منْ
غُرَرِ الأمْلاكِ هُدىً وتُقَى

13. A cave the faith took refuge with
Who pardoned, protected, sufficed, and prevented

١٣. كهْفٌ لَجأ الإسْلامُ لهُ
فعَفا وحَمَى وكَفَى ووَقَى

14. And the right path was honored by him
And misguidance was disgraced and split

١٤. وأعَزَّ الرّشْدُ بهِ فِرَقاً
وأذَلَّ الغَيُّ بهِ فِرَقا

15. The dawn of your kingdom was darkness
So the night walker departed and split

١٥. وافَى وصَباحُ المُلْكِ دُجَى
فانْجابَ الغاسِقُ وائْتَلَقا

16. And the earth squeezes its inhabitants
And throngs with its visitors from east to west

١٦. والأرضُ تَضيقُ بساكِنِها
وتَغَصُّ بريقَتِها شرَقا

17. It shook when he came and sobbed
And poured down on it copious water

١٧. فاهْتَزّتْ حينَ أتى ورَبَتْ
وأسالَ بِها ماءً غدَقا

18. Or he rescued it with his resolves
Like the finest Indian steel refined

١٨. أوْ تَدارَكَها بعَزائِمِهِ
ما مِثْلُ صِفاحِ الهِنْدِ رُقَى

19. And he established the truth and brought it
So falsehood perished and faded

١٩. وأقامَ الحَقَّ وجاءَ بهِ
فإذا بالباطِلِ قدْ زهَقا

20. He runs in his rule's comfort
The rules of fortunes and woes

٢٠. يُجْري في حُكْمِ راحَتِهِ
أحْكامَ سَعاداتٍ وشَقا

21. If the full moon returns with its lighting
It fears no eclipse or destruction

٢١. لوْ عادَ البَدْرُ بغُرّتِه
لمْ يخْشَ الخَسْفَ ولا محَقا

22. Or if the mother of rain is resolved by his will
A day so it cracks and ruptures

٢٢. أو أمّ اليَمَّ بعَزْمَتِهِ
يوْماً لتصَدّعَ وانْفَرَقا

23. Or if wild beasts take refuge by his side
They fear no perishing pathways

٢٣. أو لاذَ الوحْشُ بجانِبِهِ
لمْ يرْهَبْ منْ عادٍ طرَقا

24. Wait, for the rain of your palm hasn't left
A needy person desperate and begging

٢٤. مهْلاً فمَواطِرُ كفِّكَ ما
أبْقَتْ مُحْتاجاً مُرْتَزِقا

25. And indeed your pouring overwhelmed
And your asker fears you will drown

٢٥. ولقدْ أمَرَتْ حتّى غمَرَتْ
وتخوّفَ سائِلُكَ الغَرَقا

26. O Ansar, you have a glorious rank
The Quran's rule voiced for you

٢٦. أبَني الأنْصارِ لكُمْ شرَفٌ
حُكْمُ القُرْآنِ بهِ نطَقا

27. They sheltered, supported, consoled, and were patient
For God's Messenger they were loyal

٢٧. آووْا نصَروا أوذُوا صَبَروا
كانوا لرَسولِ اللّهِ وِقا

28. They protected him sacrificing themselves
As they protected their eyes' pupils

٢٨. حَفِظوهُ ببَذْلِ النّفْسِ كَما
حَفِظوا بجُفونِهِمُ الحدَقا

29. They fulfilled for God what they promised
Never betraying when they were truthful

٢٩. وافَوا للّهِ ما عاهَدُو
هُ ما كَذبُوهُ إذْ صدَقا

30. And they were content with patience so never wavered
Distressed or anxious in the faith

٣٠. ورضَوْا بالصّبْرِ فما وهَنوا
جزَعاً في الدّينِ ولا قَلَقا

31. O fighter of God's faith indeed
You secured the paths with your sharp sword

٣١. أمُجاهِدَ دِينِ اللهِ لقدْ
أمّنْتَ بصارِمِكَ الطُّرُقا

32. And his Caliph in a nation from whom
Came the revelation that distinguished and parted

٣٢. وخَليفَتَهُ في أمّةِ مَنْ
بالوَحْيِ أتى وبِهِ فرَقا

33. You abandoned sleep obeying him
Waging war while staying awake

٣٣. لهَجَرْتَ النّوْمَ لِطاعَتِهِ
بالغَزْوِ وواصَلْتَ الأرَقا

34. This New Year has come to you
With what you wish and good news preceded

٣٤. هَذا النّيْروزُ أتاكَ بِما
تهْواهُ وبالبُشْرَى سَبَقا

35. So you will rule Rome's land without
Leaving in it but a slight breath

٣٥. فسَتَمْلِكُ أرْضَ الرّومِ فَما
أبْقَيْتَ بِها إلاّ رمَقا

36. They disbelieved in God so He strangled them
And you conquered them adding to their strangulation

٣٦. كفَروا باللّهِ فأرْهَقَهُم
وملَكْتَ فزادَهُمُ رَهَقا

37. So the spear shakes back and forth from their evil
With the sword having split and cracked

٣٧. فالرُّمْحُ يُنَضْنِضُ منْ شَرَهٍ
لهُمُ والصّارِمُ قدْ دَلَقا

38. And the horses demolish their settlements
Herding their young in anger

٣٨. والخيْلُ تهُدّ مرابِطها
وتَقُدّ أعنّتَها حنَقا

39. Flames as flames when cast
Smokes as the night when it coalesces

٣٩. شُهْبٌ كالشّهْبِ إذا قُذِفَتْ
دُهْمٌ كاللّيلِ إذا غسَقا

40. Yellow as the sun when it tilts
Red dressed in the horizon

٤٠. صُفْرٌ كالشّمْسِ إذا جنَحَتْ
حُمْرٌ قد أُلْبِسَتِ الشّفَقا

41. Either they neigh in enemy land
So separation's crows croak over them

٤١. إمّا صهَلَتْ في أرْضِ عِدىً
فغُرابُ البَيْنِ بهِمْ نَعَقا

42. Or the galloping of its stallions thunders
Except that the sword had clanked

٤٢. ما أرْعَدَ ركْضُ سَنابِكِها
إلاّ والصّارِمُ قدْ فَرِقا

43. A fierce kingdom it threatens with them
If it intended to comb the Pleiades it would reach

٤٣. يعْتَدُّ بِها مَلْكٌ شهْمٌ
لوْ رامَ بِها الشّعْرَى لحِقا

44. Or it competed with lightning in striking
Or inflicted the eye of the sun with blindness

٤٤. أو عارَضَها بالبَرْقِ كَبا
أوْ أوْرَدَ عيْنَ الشّمْسِ سَقَى

45. Had it not been for words that preceded
With peace and a covenant that preceded

٤٥. لوْلا كلِماتٌ قد سبَقَتْ
بالسِّلْمِ وعَهْدٌ قد سبَقا

46. You would have left their lands barren
For beasts and their roads tunnelled

٤٦. لتَرَكْت ديارَهُمُ قَفْراً
للهامِ وسلْمَهُمُ نفَقا

47. And you would have made their waters a chasm
And left their plains slippery

٤٧. وجَعَلْتَ مِياهَهُمُ غوْراً
وترَكْتَ صَعيدَهُمُ زلَقا

48. O party of God and His supporter
With truth and fulfiller of what was destined

٤٨. يا حِزْبَ اللّهِ وناصِرَهُ
بالحقِّ ومُدْرِكَ ما سَحَقا

49. You are the one warned on their day
You are the key to what was locked

٤٩. أنتَ المذْخورُ ليَوْمِهمُ
أنتَ المِفْتاحُ لِما غُلِقا

50. And I came rushing to you with it
Competing for your attainment

٥٠. وافَيْتُ إليْكَ بِها راكِضاً
ولغَمْرِ نوالِكَ مُسْتَبِقا

51. So I threaded its pearls loosely
And made its young stallions leap

٥١. فسَبَكْتُ التِّبرَ لَها لُجُماً
وجعَلْتُ أعنّتَها سَرَقا

52. So bestow, carry, promise, and eternalize
In the shade of protection and survival

٥٢. فأنِلْ واحْمِلْ وأعِدْ وأبِدْ
وأنْعَمْ في ظلِّ حِمىً وبَقا

53. As long as the light shines from its horizon
Or the wind rustles a delicate branch

٥٣. ما لاحَ النّورُ بمَشْرِقِه
أو هزّتْ ريحُ غُصْنٍ نَقا