1. O Abu Ja'far, indeed the dear one who stayed
In our dwelling, the hand of fate hastened him away
١. أبا جعْفَرٍ إنّ الثّقيلَ الذي ثَوى
بمَضْرِبِنا قدْ أعْجَلَتْهُ يدُ النّوى
2. And how often his resolves lied when secrets were shared
As man makes new after he's prepared
٢. وكمْ كَذَبَتْ عنْدَ السُرَى عزَماتُهُ
كما أحْدَثَ الإنسانُ منْ بعْدِ ما نَوى
3. And we've been granted a tryst, so seize the chance
To vent the complaints of youth and romance
٣. وقدْ أمْكَنَتْنا خَلْوَةٌ فابْتَدِرْ لَها
تَبثُّ بِها شكْوَى الصّبابةِ والجَوى
4. Though I suspect that his companion
Bore from you a smitten heart in love's partition
٤. على أنّ ظنّي فيكَ أنّ رَفيقَهُ
تحمّلَ منْكَ القلْبَ في شرَكِ الهَوى
5. And succumbed to the languor in his gaze
Until he drank deep of passion's ways
٥. ووالَى علَيْهِ منْ فُتورِ لحاظِهِ
كُؤوسَ الهوَى حتّى تملأ وارْتَوى
6. And how many tricks in the night's veil you'd dress
To curb love's caller, but he wouldn't recess
٦. وكمْ حيلةٍ أضْمَرْتَ في غسَقِ الدُجى
زجَرْتَ لَها داعي الغَرامِ فما ارْعَوَى
7. You'd float between the tents, humbled,
Like water flows in water, melded and swirled
٧. سمَوْتَ بِها بيْنَ المضارِبِ موْهِناً
كما انْسابَ صِلُّ الماءِ في الماءِ والتَوى
8. Else wakeful eyes in the tents would've spied
And you'd slip, and their cover be ripped and pried
٨. فلَوْلاً عُيونٌ في الخِيامِ سَواهِرٌ
دبَبْتَ فسُدَّتْ منْ مَضارِبِها الكُوَى
9. You'd have met a wanton need
And cooled the fires of love, so passionate and keyed
٩. لقضّيْتَ منْهُ حاجةً لوْذَعيّةً
وبرّدْتَ منْ نارِ الحَشا لاعِجاً كَوى
10. He broke his promise when you hoped to connect
And how many meetings before this he did negate
١٠. لَوى وعْدَهُ لمّا طمِعْتَ بوصْلِهِ
وكمْ موْعِدٍ منْ قبْلِ ذلِكَ قد لَوَى
11. So you woke in this camp, sprawled and lonely
While far is the camp from where he's homed only
١١. فأصْبحْتَ في هَذا المحَصَّبِ ثاوِياً
وسارَ فكَمْ بيْنَ المحَصَّبِ واللِّوى
12. Have patience, maybe fate will make right
You've tasted this hurt, so wait for the light
١٢. فصَبْراً لعلّ الدّهْرَ يعْدِلُ حُكْمُهُ
وقدْ ذُقْتَ هذا الصّدَّ فانْتَظِرِ الدّوا
13. You remain a garden of beauty and grace
When the verdant meadow rings or fades
١٣. بَقيتَ رِياضاً للمَحاسِنِ والنُّهَى
إذا صوّحَ الرّوْضُ المؤرَّجُ أو ذَوَى