
When the caller of passion called me, I responded,

لما دعا داعي الهوى لبيته

1. When the caller of passion called me, I responded,
And I hurried my camel and came to him.

١. لمّا دَعا دَاعِي الهَوَى لَبّيتُهُ
وحَثَثْتُ رَحْليَ مُسْرِعاً وأتَيْتُهُ

2. And I performed pilgrimage to his Kaaba, so there was no ritual
That I did not establish its waymarks and fulfill it.

٢. وحَجَجْتُ كَعْبَتَهُ فَما مِنْ مَنْسَكٍ
إلاّ أقَمْتُ شِعارَهُ وقَضَيْتُهُ

3. If I were fair with my passion's pilgrimage,
My eyes would be its Zamzam and my heart its home.

٣. ولَو انّني أنْصَفْتُ حَجّ بِيَ الهَوى
عَيْنايَ زَمْزَمُهُ وقَلبي بيتُهُ

4. Who is fair to me from neighbors who had no mercy,
And shed tears on their thresholds which I poured?

٤. مَنْ مُنْصِفي منْ جِيرَةٍ لمْ يَرْحَموا
دَمْعاً على عَرَصاتِهِمْ أجْرَيْتُهُ

5. They guarded my heart with repulsions and did not guard
A pact with them which I kept and pastured.

٥. راعُوا فُؤادي بالصُّدودِ وما رَعَوْا
عَهْداً لهُمْ حافَظْتُهُ ورَعَيْتُهُ

6. I made my heart comply when its obstinacy plunged
In loving them, and if it went too far I would restrain it.

٦. طاوَعْتُ قَلْبي حينَ لجَّ لَجاجُهُ
في حُبِّهِمْ ولَوِ انْتَهى لنَهَيْتُهُ

7. Who consoles me in a grief that I swore?
Or who helps me with an affection that I suffered?

٧. مَنْ ذا يُواسي في أسىً حالَفْتُهُ
أمْ مَنْ يُعاني منْ جَوَى عانَيْتُه

8. However much I deterred my youthfulness, I provoked it,
And if I limited my longing, I enticed it.

٨. مهْما زَجَرْتُ صَبابَتي حرّضْتُها
وإذا كَفَفْتُ تَشَوُّقي أغْرَيْتُهُ

9. O you whose silence in his love is contemplation
About his affair, and if I spoke I protected him.

٩. يا مَنْ سُكوتي في هَواهُ تَفَكُّرٌ
فِي شأنِهِ وإذا نَطَقْتُ عَنَيْتُهُ

10. O you whom I evade with traits and charms
For his sake, and I am jealous if I named him.

١٠. يا مَنْ أُمَوِّهُ بالصِّفاتِ وبالحُلَى
منْ أجلِهِ وأَغارُهُ إنْ سَمّيْتُهُ

11. O a garden that my eyelids planted its roses
And I poured my tears constantly and watered it.

١١. يا رَوْضَةً غَرَسَتْ لِحاظي وَرْدَها
وسَكبْتُ دَمْعيَ دِيمَةً وسَقَيْتُهُ

12. So when I reaped with my glances from its flowers
Passion wrote a sin upon me that I reaped.

١٢. فإذا جَنَيْتُ بناظِري منْ زَهْرِها
كَتَبَ الهَوى ذَنْباً علَيّ جَنَيْتُهُ

13. The specter conveyed to me a message from you
So I read it and if I was able I would have recited it.

١٣. أدّى إليَّ الطّيْفُ عنْكِ رسالةً
فقرَأْتُها ولَوِ استَطَعْتُ قَرَيْتُهُ

14. It would not have harmed you if you disclosed his abode
So you poured out my complaint or confided in him.

١٤. ما كانَ ضرّكِ لوْ أبَحْتِ مُقامَه
فبَثَثْتَهُ شَكْوايَ أو ناجَيْتُهُ

15. She said, may your heart be ransomed by my father, in my hand
Is helplessness, and if I wished I would ransom it.

١٥. قالَتْ فِداكَ أبِي فُؤادُكَ في يَدي
عانٍ ولَوْ أنّي أشاءُ فَدَيْتُهُ

16. The healing of the Messiah is ineffectual to me,
A malady, however much I medicated it.

١٦. طِبُّ المَسيحِ لدَيّ منْهُ مَسْحَةٌ
أيُقِيمُ دَاءٌ كلّما داوَيْتُهُ

17. I bestow recovery from passion upon whom I love
So he awakes from his affliction and his dead lives.

١٧. أهْدِي لمَنْ أبْغي الشِّفاءَ منَ الجَوى
فَيُفيقُ مُضْناهُ ويَحْيَى مَيْتُهُ

18. In my hand is the life of my despairing beloved and his pigeon,
So how many times have I brought back to life him whom I destroyed!

١٨. بيَدي حَياةُ مُتَيَّمي وحِمامُهُ
فلَكمْ تَلافَيْتُ الذي أفْنَيْتُهُ

19. You asked Joseph one day, the master of people,
The traits of dew, power, and sought them.

١٩. أسَألْتَ يوْماً يُوسُفاً مَوْلَى الوَرى
شِيَمَ النّدى والبأس واستَجْدَيْتهُ

20. A king, when he bestows love, says: "I fear disgrace
If I indulge him."

٢٠. مَلكٌ إذا بَذَلَ الحُبا قالَ الحَيا
أخْشى الفَضيحَةَ إنْ أنا جارَيْتُهُ

21. He commanded and forbade so she said obediently:
"I do what he desires and I refuse what he dislikes."

٢١. أمَرَ العُلى ونَهَي فقالَتْ طاعَةً
ما شاءَ شِئْتُ وما أباهُ أبَيْتُهُ

22. And it was affiliated in the clan of Khazraj
So its pillars were sanctified and its home purified.

٢٢. وسَما انْتِماءً في ذُؤابَةِ خَزْرَجٍ
فزَكَتْ أرُومَتُهُ وقُدِّسَ بَيْتُهُ

23. A home whose pillars of elevation are Sa'd of worship
And its walls are the Helpers - what an excellent home his home!

٢٣. بَيْتٌ عِمادُ عُلاهُ سَعْدُ عُبادَةٍ
وطِنابُهُ الأنْصارُ نِعْمَ البَيْتُ بَيْتُهُ

24. My master, meet with acceptance and pleasure
A poem with your full moon that I have adorned.

٢٤. موْلايَ قابِلْ بالقَبولِ وبالرِّضى
نَظْماً بدُرِّ ثَناكَ قدْ حَلّيْتُهُ

25. Its meanings were gentle to me so if the morning breeze of the garden
Flowed as sorcery I would absorb it.

٢٥. رَقّتْ مَعانِيهِ لدَيّ فلَوْ جَرَى
سَحَراً نَسيمُ الرّوضِ لاسْتَجْفَيْتُهُ

26. And about my compositions in poetry, I am one whose poetry
Time narrates from me if I narrated it.

٢٦. وعَلى احتِكامي في القَريضِ وإنّي
يَرْويهِ عنّي الدّهْرُ إنْ رَوّيْتُهُ

27. For I have resolved to do my duty
Of praising you then did not complete it.

٢٧. فلَقَدْ هَمَمْتُ بأن أقومَ بواجِبي
منْ حَقِّ مَدْحِكَ ثمّ ما وَفّيتُهُ