1. Greetings to a vision that visited me when the darkness of night fell,
And brought our night back to a bright dawn.
١. أهْلاً بطَيْفٍ زارَني غَسَقَ الدُّجى
فأعادَ لَيلَتَنا صَباحاً أبْلَجا
2. His visit opened to a passionate lover,
The door of acceptance, and it was a blessed arrival.
٢. فَتَحَتْ زِيارَتُه لصَبٍّ هائِمٍ
بابَ القُبولِ وكانَ قِدْماً مُرْتَجا
3. Bless you, oh fanciful specter,
Who tied to your ropes the hands of hope.
٣. للّهِ دَرُّكَ منْ خَيالٍ مُطْمِعٍ
علِقَتْ لَنا بحِبالِهِ أيْدي الرَّجا
4. How did you find your way when a resting place appeared to you,
On which emaciation drew a convoluted line?
٤. كيفَ اهْتَدَيْتَ وهلْ بَدا لكَ مَضْجَعٌ
خطَّ النحولُ عليْهِ سَطْراً مُدْمَجا
5. Oh you who walks the paths of passion for his beloved,
Why not take the way to connection as your course?
٥. يا سالِكاً بمُحِبِّه طُرُقَ النّوى
هلا سَلَكْتَ الى التّواصُلِ مَنْهَجا
6. Ransom me from a judge whose judgment,
Sentenced lovers to death in revulsion.
٦. أفْديكَ منْ حَكَمٍ تأوّلَ حكْمَهُ
فقَضى بقَتْلِ العاشقينَ تحرُّجا
7. Or do you not see the flood of my tears,
Fueling a hellfire in my chest, blazing?
٧. أو مَا تَرى طوفانَ فَيْضِ مَدامِعي
يُذْكي جَحيماً بالضّلوعِ تأجّجَا
8. I seek council from the flashing lightning when it flickers,
And keep vigil with the long night when it is gloomy.
٨. أسْتَنْبِئُ البَرْقَ الخَفوقَ إذا هَفا
وأُساهِرُ اللّيْلَ الطّويلَ إذا دَجا
9. Grant me your satisfaction, for I implore
The jewels of the Commander of the Faithful, the hoped for.
٩. هَبْ لي رِضاكَ فإنّني مُسْتَشْفِعٌ
بحُلَى أميرِ المُسْلِمينَ المُرْتَجى