
Seven have passed of the night's time, and woe to me,

سبع مضت من زمان الليل وا أسفي

1. Seven have passed of the night's time, and woe to me,
Is there any of my stolen life left behind?

١. سبْعٌ مضَتْ منْ زَمانِ اللّيْلِ وا أسَفي
هلْ لي من العُمرِ المَسروقِ منْ خلَفِ

2. How much did I protect its essence with effort, yet it was plundered,
And how could it not be true, if you look closely and consider?

٢. كمْ صُنْتُ جوْهرَهُ بالجَهْدِ فانتُهِبَتْ
وكيفَ والأمرُ حقٌّ إنْ نظَرْتَ وَفِي

3. Truth and desire overcome me, bearing grief I cannot comprehend,
And of my loss, where is it heading?

٣. تُغالِبُ الحقَّ منّي والتَّوى حُمَّ لا
أدْري بهِ وا خَسارِي أيْنَ مُنصَرَفي

4. Two opposites, whichever you want of a caller to indulgence,
In this confusion, one calls to nobility, another to disgrace,

٤. ضِدّانِ ما شِئْتَ منْ داعٍ الى سرَفٍ
في الغَيّ هَذا وذا داعٍ الى شَرَفِ

5. A scattered state, so the mind is in disarray,
The body in disarray, the soul in disarray,

٥. حالٌ مُشتَّتَةٌ فالعقْلُ في طرَفٍ
والجِسْمُ في طرَفٍ والنّفْسُ في طرَفِ

6. The eye looking in two directions, not roaming with me,
The heart in sorrow for what has passed,

٦. والعيْنُ في سرين ليسَ تسْرَحُ بي
والقلبُ منْ ذِكْرِ ما قدْ فاتَ في أسَفِ

7. We knew ourselves heading to God,
Then plunged after confessing,

٧. إنّا الى اللهِ منْها أنْفُساً عرَفَتْ
مآلَها ثمّ لجّتْ بعْدَ مُعْتَرَفِ

8. Breaking covenants it had firmly made,
Lose a compact whose time is not yet up!

٨. خانَتْ مَواثيقَ أعْطَتْها مؤكَّدةً
أخْسِرْ بعَهْدٍ قَريبِ العَهْدِ غيْرَ وَفِي

9. By God, if He does not save it, for it has arrived,
With a subtle gesture or kindness from Him hidden,

٩. واللّهِ إنْ لمْ يُدارِكْها وقَدْ وصَلَتْ
بلَمْحَةٍ أو بلُطْفٍ منْ لَدُنْهُ خَفِي

10. And does not find in mending it hastily,
Its affair will only end in ruin.

١٠. ولمْ يجُدْ بتَلافِيها علَى عجَلٍ
ما أمْرُها صائِرٌ إلا الى تلَفِ