1. She saw as night had let down its curtains,
The flash of lightning glittering brightly.
١. رأتْ واللّيْلُ قد سَدَلَ الرِّواقا
شُعاعَ البرْقِ يأتَلِقُ ائْتِلاقَا
2. It realized the lightning flash of Nejd,
So her heart was stirred - Nejd and yearning!
٢. وحقّقَتِ الوَميضَ وميضَ نجْدٍ
فهاجَ فؤادَها نجْدٌ وشاقَا
3. The reins struggled with her, but didn't stop her,
The halter confronted her, but she couldn't bear it.
٣. ونازَعَها الزِّمامُ فَما ثَناها
وعارَضَها العِقالُ فما أطاقَا
4. The horsewomen say to me, crying from lovesickness,
"A crazed one complains." I said, "From longing,
٤. تَقولُ ليَ السُّراةُ وقدْ أجَدَّتْ
أخَبْلاً تشْتَكي قُلْتُ اشتِياقا
5. For Umar ibn Abdallah she sighs,
My she-camel strives ahead impetuously.
٥. إلى عُمَرَ بن عبْدِ اللهِ حنّتْ
رِكابِي فهْيَ تسْتَبِقُ اسْتِباقا
6. For the rain which, if it is scarce,
From his right hand pours profusely.
٦. إلى الغَيْثِ الذي إنْ شحّ غيْثٌ
فمِنْ يمْناهُ ينْدَفِقُ انْدِفاقا
7. For the lion who guarded enemies
And his gentle behavior secured companions.
٧. إلى اللّيْثِ الذي راعَ الأعادِي
وأمّنَ رِفْقُ سِيرتِهِ الرِّفاقا
8. For the sea of politics, none contends,
Nor do opponents seek to catch up.
٨. إلى حبْرِ السّياسَةِ لا يُجارَى
ولا يَبْغِي مُعارِضُهُ اللِّحاقَا
9. For the brilliant one, who, if you tested him
You'd fear conflagration from his heat.
٩. إلى الفَطِنِ الذي لوْلا نَداهُ
إذا ما جُسْتَهُ خِفْتَ احْتِراقا
10. For the moon of ministry whom the auspicious days
Have adorned with light and proportion.
١٠. إلى قمَرِ الوِزارَةِ جلّلَتْهُ
إياةُ السّعْدِ نوراً واتّساقَا
11. Unique in nobility, his hands open
He won the race to lofty levels.
١١. وَحيدُ الفضْلِ مُشتَرَكُ الأيادِي
بمَيْدانِ العُلا حازَ السِّباقا
12. When he pours cool soft speech we say
'Is this honey or sweeter taste?'
١٢. إذا نسَقَ الحَديثَ الرّطْبَ قُلْنا
أهَذا الشّهْدُ أمْ أحْلَى مَذاقا
13. If his glories are mentioned we sense
The wafting fragrance diffuse rapidly.
١٣. وإنْ ذُكِرَتْ مَفاخِرُهُ ابْتَدَرْنا
مهَبَّ الطّيبِ يُنْتَشَقُ انْتِشاقا
14. Not pretentiously do I praise
The carpenter from Mureyni.
١٤. مَرينِيُّ النِّجارِ فَلا ادِّعاءً
تَقولُ إذا مدَحْتَ ولا اخْتِلاقا
15. He who's like his father Abdullah in opinion
If a problem arises, resolves it completely.
١٥. ومَنْ كأبِيهِ عبْدِ اللّهِ رأياً
إذا ما المُعْضِلُ انْطَبَقَ انْطِباقا
16. Abdullah, as much as is said of excellence in ministry,
Is its pillar and gilded arrow.
١٦. لَعَبْدُ اللّهِ في الوِزارَةِ مهْما
تُذوكِرَ خيْرُ مَنْ ركَضَ العِتاقَا
17. Its noblest support, its honored one,
He who aided the weak and needy.
١٧. ظَهيرُ الأمْرِ والقِدْحُ المعَلّى
وأكْرَمُ مَنْ نَضا البِيضَ الرِّقاقَا
18. His excellence became, above the moon, a crown,
And for the belt of Aldebaran a band.
١٨. غَدَتْ عُلْياهُ فوْقَ البَدْرِ تاجاً
وللجوْزاءِ قدْ مثَلَتْ نِطاقَا
19. Truly through you is the ministry adorned
By one whose nature is gentle and agreeable.
١٩. لقدْ غَدَتِ الوِزارةُ منْكَ تُزْهى
بمَنْ رقّتْ سَجاياهُ وَراقا
20. You are the sword of the kingdom - which sword
Sufficed crises without blood spilled?
٢٠. وسيْفُ المُلْكِ أنتَ وأيُّ سيْفٍ
كَفى الأزَماتِ دونَ دَمٍ أراقَا
21. You mounted the terrible in the paths to glory
And so met with harmony and concord.
٢١. ركِبْتَ الهَوْلَ في سُبُلِ المَعالي
فَلُقّيتَ السّعادَةَ والوِفاقَا
22. You struck the rock so it burst asunder,
You struck the sea so it separated apart.
٢٢. ضرَبْتَ الصّخْرَ فانْفجَرَ انْفِجاراً
ضرَبْتَ البَحْرَ فانْفرَقَ انْفِراقا
23. Your ministry which truly is congratulated
Didn't squander or exhaust or overburden.
٢٣. وِزارَتُكَ التي حقّاً تُهنَّى
فَما هَدَراً وَلِيتَ ولا اتِّفاقا
24. It didn't grow haughtier through its elevation,
Nor greedier through its wealth.
٢٤. فلَمْ تَزْدَدْ برُتْبَتِها عُلُوّاً
ولمْ تزْدَدْ بنِعْمَتِها ارْتِفاقَا
25. But you stood for some of your right
Through your right, after it was stolen.
٢٥. ولكِنْ بعْضُ حقِّكَ قُمْتَ فِيهِ
بحقِّكَ بعْدَما استُرِقَ اسْتِراقا
26. I courted your eminence before this with affection,
Paying sincerity's dowry to it.
٢٦. خطَبْتُ عُلاكَ قبلَ اليوْمِ وُدّاً
بذَلْتُ منَ الوَفاءِ لهُ صَداقا
27. I promised time your triumph,
And made misfortunes submissive to you.
٢٧. وأوْعَدْتُ الزّمانَ بِكَ انتِصاراً
وأرْغَمْتُ الخُطوبَ بكَ اعْتِلاقا
28. So forgive me - my excuse isn't obscure -
If the excuse in falling short is constrained.
٢٨. فسامِحْني فعُذْري غيْرُ خافٍ
إذا ما العُذْرُ في التّقْصيرِ ضاقَا
29. Before this I complained of estrangement to you,
And now, here I am, complaining of parting!
٢٩. شَكَوْتُ لكَ التّغرُّبَ قبْلَ هَذا
وها أنا بعْدَهُ أشْكُو الفِراقَا
30. If it weren't for successive talk of your mightiness
I wouldn't be one who recovered.
٣٠. فلَوْلا ما تَوالَى منْ حَديثٍ
بعِزِّكَ لمْ أكُنْ ممّنْ أفاقَا
31. So determine my condition without delay,
Comfort, respect, and release!"
٣١. فقَرِّرْ حالَتي منْ غيْرِ لُبْثٍ
هَناءً واحْتِراماً وانْطِلاقا
32. You mounted time submitting humbly
In reverence for Mustafa who mounted Al-Buraq.
٣٢. ركِبْتَ الدّهْرَ مُنْقاداً ذَلولاً
بحُرْمَةِ مُصْطَفَى ركِبَ البُرَاقا