
The shepherd cared for his sheep as he wished

رعى الله راعي الشاء ما شاء إنه

1. The shepherd cared for his sheep as he wished
He took chances so when he missed his opportunity, he was ruined

١. رَعى اللهُ راعي الشّاءِ ما شاءَ إنّهُ
تَعاطى فلمّا اجْتازَ فرصَتَهُ عقَرْ

2. A loud eagle seized a small one among them
And after comfort changed it to hell

٢. أصابَ صَغيراً منْهُ صقْرٌ مُكبّرٌ
فصيّرَهُ بعْدَ النّعيمِ الى سَقَرْ

3. You stand up to perform your duty on earth after it
With the right of the shepherds of camels, sheep, and cows

٣. تَقومُ قِيامَ الفَرْضِ في الأرضِ بعدَها
بحقِّ رُعاةِ الإبْلِ والشّاءِ والبَقَرْ