
As though we were touching its purity as we passed through,

كأنا بتامسنا نجوس خلالها

1. As though we were touching its purity as we passed through,
And its expanse does not shorten as we travel on.

١. كأنّا بِتامَسْنا نَجوسُ خِلالَها
ومَمْدودُها في سيْرِنا ليْسَ يَقْصُرُ

2. Ships floundering in the vast ocean,
With no direction known and no shore in sight.

٢. مَراكِبُ في البحْرِ المُحيطِ تخبّطَتْ
ولا جِهَةٌ تُدْرى ولا بَرٌّ يُبْصَرُ