
She yearned for the green of her Lord and the blueness of water,

حنت لخضر ربي وزرق مياه

1. She yearned for the green of her Lord and the blueness of water,
And roots from her people like her.

١. حنّتْ لخُضْرِ رُبيً وزُرْقٍ مِياهِ
وجآذِرٍ منْ قومِها أشْباهِ

2. So the arguments of crisis pulled and roared,
Relating the lightnings' speed and vying.

٢. فتَجاذَبَتْ جُدُلَ الأزمّةِ وانْبَرَتْ
تحْكي البَوارِقَ سُرْعَةً وتُضاهِي

3. Why didn't you yearn for the cradles of security
And the place of glory under the sidrah tree of glory?

٣. هلاّ حَنَنْتِ الى مَعاطِنِ أمْنَةٍ
ومَقيلِ عِزٍّ تحْتَ سِدْرَةِ جاهِ

4. Nothing after the gardens of Highness is an abode
Except the protection of Umar ibn Al Khattab.

٤. ما بعْدَ جنّاتِ العُلى منْ منْزِلٍ
إلاّ حِمَى عُمَرَ بنِ عبدِ اللهِ

5. Where the eminent boasts of ministry, another boasts
No! And the sublime boasts of highness, a boaster.

٥. في حيثُ فاخَرَ بالوِزارَةِ فاخِرٌ
كَلاّ وباهَى بالعَلاءِ مُباهِي

6. The bestower of thousands without upbraiding her
A glance of intimacy even if she is as she is.

٦. الواهِبِ الآلافَ غيْرَ مُعيرِها
طرْفَ الضّنينِ وإنْ تكُنْ هيَ ما هي

7. He hits men with his intelligence and his glance
So he distinguishes the skillful from the pretentious.

٧. يَرْمي بفِطْنَتِهِ الرِّجالَ ولحْظِهِ
فيَميزُ داهِيَها منَ المُتداهي

8. A sword in the hand of the caliphate, sharp,
A flag on the dress of majesty, shining.

٨. سيفٌ علَى كفِّ الخِلافَةِ صارِمٌ
علَمٌ على ثوْبِ الجَلالِ الزّاهِي

9. The eyewitnesses testified that the world of his glory
And beauty is not a world with an end.

٩. شهِدَ العِيانُ بأنّ عالَمَ مجدِهِ
والحُسْنَ ليْسَ بعالَمٍ مُتَناهي

10. Honor through him from a harbor or source
Glorify through him from a commander or forbidd

١٠. أكْرِمْ بهِ منْ مُورِدٍ أو مُصْدِرٍ
أعْظِمْ بهِ منْ آمِرٍ أو ناهِي

11. How many compared to his firm stand is a dissenter
How many compared to his hospitality's place is a vanisher

١١. كمْ دون موقِفِ بأسِه منْ طاعِنٍ
كمْ دونَ منزِلِ ضيْفِهِ منْ طاهي

12. The enemies dwindle around him
Like a lion who growled at a herd of deer

١٢. تتَضاءَلُ الأعْداءُ فوْضَى حوْلَهُ
كاللّيْثِ كَرَّ علَى قَطيعِ شِياهِ

13. People's souls were charged by him with the most wondrous
A strong attachment, no boredom or nonsense

١٣. كلِفَتْ نُفوسُ النّاسِ منْهُ بأرْوَعٍ
جَذْلانَ لا بَطِرٍ ولا تَيّاهِ

14. Busy with wisdom, he lights his flint
Not provoked by a frivolous or distracted one

١٤. مُتَشاغِلٌ بالحَزْمِ يقْدَحُ زَنْدَهُ
لا يُسْتَفَزُّ بعابِثٍ أو لاهِي

15. Opinion is wine, its cups are passed around
And from the neighing, instruments and amusements

١٥. الرّأيُ خَمْرٌ تُسْتَدارُ كؤوسُهُ
ومنَ الصّهيلِ مَعازِفٌ ومَلاهي

16. As for his prayer's prayer, it is what
He surpassed in the position of the elite

١٦. أمّا صَلاةُ صِلاتِهِ فهيَ التِي
قدْ جلّ فيها عنْ مَقامِ السّاهي

17. Either the afflictions wanted him whenever
The kings complained of insoluble afflictions

١٧. إمّا أرادَتْهُ الدّواهي كلّما
شكَتِ المُلوكُ بمُعْضِلاتِ دَواهي

18. So you see the politics of Barzakomhor well-regulated
Its conditions in the court of the Shah of Shahs

١٨. فتَرى سِياسَة بَرْزُجُمْهِرَ أُحْكِمَتْ
أوْضاعُها في بابِ شاهٍ شاهِ

19. O minister of ministers, whose mention
Is like honey or sweeter on mouths

١٩. يا سيّدَ الوُزَراءِ يا مَنْ ذِكْرُهُ
كالشّهْدِ أو أحْلى علَى الأفْواهِ

20. O you who, whenever any felicity is said
And prosperity for the kingdom, say it's me

٢٠. يا مَنْ إذا ما قِيلَ أيّةُ غِبْطَةٍ
وسَعادَةٍ للمُلْكِ قال أنا هِي

21. You regulated affairs and your royal house has become
Empty, and people lost in what aberrance

٢١. سُسْتَ الأمورَ وبَيْتُ مُلْكِكَ قدْ غَدا
صِفْراً وتاهَ الخَلْقُ أيَّ مَتاهِ

22. You overpowered every opponent and took the path
Of justice between commands and prohibitions

٢٢. فقَهَرْتَ كلَّ مُعانِدٍ وسلَكْتَ طُرْ
قَ العدْلِ بيْنَ أوامِرٍ ونَواهي

23. I have neither seen nor heard of an ambassador
Whose eloquence sprouted like the Shah

٢٣. ما إنْ رأيتُ ولا سمِعْتُ بسُفْرَةٍ
فِرْزانُها نابَتْ مَنابَ الشّاهِ

24. I am who you knew his loyalty and praise
The knowledge of certainty without equal

٢٤. أنا مَنْ علِمْتَ وفاءَهُ وثَناءَهُ
عِلْمَ اليَقينِ المحْضِ دونَ مُضاهي

25. When I recognized you I did not doubt that
My hopes will thrive and my status will be great

٢٥. لمّا عرَفْتُكَ ما شككْتُ بأنّهُ
تَثْرَى يَدا أمَلي ويُعْظَمُ جاهِي

26. I came in the delegation of glad tidings, taking the initiative
And for me glad tidings, thanks to the Grace of my God

٢٦. أقْبَلْتُ في وفْدِ الهَناءِ مُبادِراً
ولِيَ الهَنا شُكْراً لفَضْلِ إلاهِي

27. May God make your praise in the world for Him
Echoing on tongues and lips

٢٧. جعلَ الإلاهُ ثَناكَ في الدُنْيا لهُ
مُتَردّداً فِي ألْسُنٍ وشِفاهِ

28. And your generous right hand taking responsibility for people
And your protector blessed, highborn and dignified

٢٨. ويَمينَكَ السّمْحاءَ مُسْتَلَمَ الوَرى
وحِماكَ مَبْرَكَ آنفٍ وجَباهِ

29. And clouds of blessing descended upon your dwelling if life was stingy
By the Grace of Allah

٢٩. وهَمَتْ علَى مثْواكَ إنْ ضنّ الحَيا
سُحْبٌ مُبارَكةٌ بفضْلِ اللهِ