1. Many a night I gained the full moon,
While the stars in the sky remained unaware.
ูก. ุฑูุจูู ูููููู ุธูููุฑูุชู ุจุงูุจูุฏูุฑู
ู ุงูุณูู
ุงุกู ูู
ู ุชุฏูุฑู
2. May God preserve our night and watch over,
The union of love He allowed us to share.
ูข. ุญููุธู ุงูููู ููููููุง ูุฑูุนูู
ุฃููู ุดู
ููู ู
ูู ุงููููู ุฌู
3. Oblivious were fate and the watchman,
If only the river of day would not flow!
ูฃ. ุบููููู ุงูุฏูููุฑู ูุงูุฑูููุจู ู
ูููุชู ูููุฑู ุงููููุงุฑู ูู
ู ูุฌูุฑู
4. God decreed the dawn for me,
Appease your soul, O friend of Arabs,
ูค. ุญููู
ู ุงููู ูู ุนููู ุงูููุฌูุฑู
ุนููููู ุงูููููุณู ูุง ุฃุฎูุง ุงูุนูุฑูุจู
5. With a sweeter discourse than poetry,
In the love of the one whose union brings me bliss,
ูฅ. ุจุญูุฏูุซู ุฃุญูููู ู
ูู ุงูุถูุฑูุจู
ูู ููููู ู
ููู ููุตุงูููู ุฃุฑูุจู
6. Whenever the memory of the one I know passes,
I say, โO coolness upon my chest!โ
ูฆ. ูููู
ุง ู
ุฑู ุฐูููุฑู ู
ููู ุฃุฏูุฑู
ููููุชู ูุง ุจูุฑูุฏููู ุนููู ุตุฏูุฑูู
7. Do not worry for tomorrowโs affairs,
And allow them to unfold before you,
ูง. ุตุงุญู ูุง ุชููุชูู
ู ุจุฃู
ูุฑู ุบูุฏู
ูุฃุฌูุฒู ุตูุฑููููุง ููุฏุงู ุจููุฏู
8. Between a river and a singing nightingale,
And branches swaying from intoxication.
ูจ. ุจูููู ูููุฑู ูุจูููุจููู ุบูุฑูุฏู
ูุบูุตููู ุชูู
ููู ู
ูู ุณูููุฑู
9. They declared gratitude to the clouds openly,
O object of my desire and hopeโs end,
ูฉ. ุฃุนูููููุชู ููุบูู
ู ุจุงูุดููููุฑู
ูุง ู
ูุฑุงุฏูู ูู
ูููุชููู ุฃู
10. Bring me the Yemeni garment,
For the sun resides in Aries,
ูกู . ูุงุชููุง ุนุณูุฌูุฏูููุฉู ุงูุญููููู
ุญููุชู ุงูุดูู
ูุณู ู
ููุฒููู ุงูุญูู
11. And the breeze of spring blows gently,
The morning dew glistened clearly,
ูกูก. ูุจูุฑูุฏู ุงูุฑูุจูุนู ูู ูุดูุฑู
ูุงูุตููุจุง ุนูููุจูุฑููุฉู ุงูููุดูุฑู
12. And the croaking of branches rang out,
As if the breeze, when it blows,
ูกูข. ุบูุฑูุฉู ุงูุตููุจูุญู ูุฐููู ูุถูุญูุชู
ููููุงูู ุงูุบูุตููู ูุฏู ุตุฏูุญูุชู
13. With its scent beyond measure,
Sings praises of the Most Highโs family,
ูกูฃ. ููุฃูู ุงูุตููุจุง ุฅุฐุง ูููุญูุชู
ุง ุทููุจููุง ุนูู ุงูุญูุตูุฑู
14. They are kings of all people without doubt,
Who paved the path of faith and adorned the world,
ูกูค. ู
ูุฏูุญูุฉู ูู ุนููุง ุจููู ูุตูุฑู
ู ู
ููููู ุงูููุฑู ุจููุง ุซููููุง
15. And God protected the Most High through them,
With the exalted, eminent Imam,
ูกูฅ. ู
ูููุฏูุง ุงูุฏูููู ุฒูููููุง ุงูุฏูููููุง
ูู ุงูููู ู
ู ุงูุนููููุง
16. And the blessed, pouring raincloud.
Verily, Yusuf is the Imam of guidance,
ูกูฆ. ุจุงูุฅู
ู ุงูู
ูุฑููููุนู ุงูุฎูุทูุฑู
ู ุงูู
ูุจุงุฑููู ุงูููุทูุฑู
17. He surpassed all boundaries of glory,
Say to the days of his rule, โBe forever blessed!โ
ูกูง. ุฅููู
ุง ููุณููู ุฅู
ู ููุฏูู
ุฌุงุฒู ูู ุงูู
ูุนููููุงุชู ูููู ู
18. Boast over all other eras,
Like the boasting of spring over flowers.
ูกูจ. ูููู ูุฏูููุฑู ุจู
ููููููู ุณุนูุฏุง
ุงููุชูุฎูุฑู ุฌูู
ูููุฉู ุนููู ุงูุฏูููุฑู
19. O pillar of glory and honor,
The feast has risen with the ascendant of fortune,
ูกูฉ. ูุงููุชูุฎุงุฑู ุงูุฑูุจูุนู ุจุงูุฒูููุฑู
ูุง ุนูู
ุงุฏู ุงูุนููุงุกู ูุงูู
20. And victory therein fulfilled its promise,
In it, glimpses of the preludes of triumph appeared in the palace,
ูขู . ุฃุทูููุนู ุงูุนููุฏู ุทุงููุนู ุงูุณูุนูุฏู
ูููููู ุงูููุชูุญู ูููู ุจุงูููุนูุฏู
21. So delight in its splendid beauty,
With the joy of souls and passions,
ูขูก. ูุชุฌููุชู ูููู ุนููู ุงูููุตูุฑู
ุบูุฑูุฑู ู
ูู ุทููุงุฆูุนู ุงูููุตูุฑู
22. And listen to it, and leave the words of the morose,
I swear by the love of the honorable,
ูขูข. ูุชูููุฃู ู
ูู ุญูุณููููู ุงูุจูููุฌู
ุจุญููุงุฉู ุงูููููุณู ูุงูู
23. The longing night has no dawn.
ูขูฃ. ูุงุณูุชูู
ูุนููุง ูุฏูุนู ู
ููุงูู ุดูุฌู
ุงู ุจุงููููู ููุฐู ุญูุฌูุฑู
ูขูค. ู
ุง ููููููู ุงูู
ูุดููู ู
ูู ูุฌูุฑู