
By Abraham's station turn, reflect, be wise,

بمقام إبراهيم عذ واصرف به

1. By Abraham's station turn, reflect, be wise,
Leave behind what rouses and excites,

١. بمَقامِ إبْراهيمَ عُذْ واصْرِفْ بِهِ
فِكَراً توَرِّقُ عنْ بَواعِثَ تنْبَري

2. His neighbourly protection makes it sacrosanct,
You are a white dove, branches the pulpit's wood.

٢. فجِوارُهُ حَرَمٌ وأنتَ حَمامةٌ
ورْقاءُ والأغْصانُ عودُ المِنْبَرِ

3. So you are safe now from time and its mischief,
Which terrifies evildoer and innocent alike.

٣. فلقَدْ أمِنْتَ منَ الزّمانِ ورَيْبِهِ
وهُوَ المروِّعُ للمُسيءِ وللبَري