1. Praise be to Allah, how much goodness Allah has
And wisdom that appears in all creation
١. الحَمْدُ للّهِ كمْ للّهِ منْ جودٍ
وحِكْمَةٍ ظهَرَتْ في كلِّ موْجودِ
2. Have hope and be confident, O people of the Lord
In every happiness that is destined for the days
٢. باللّهِ آلَ مَرينٍ أبْشِروا وثِقوا
بكُلِّ سعْدٍ على الأيّامِ ممْدودِ
3. For your kingdom is with Sulayman son of Dawud
A kingdom of glory, Sulayman son of Dawud
٣. فمُلْكُكُمْ بسُليْمانَ بْنِ داوُدَ في
العِزِّ مُلْكُ سُليْمانَ بْنِ داوودِ
4. After you none should rule, for you have
Supremacy over the great caliphs of the hunt
٤. لا يَنْبَغي لسِواكُمْ بعْدَكُم فلَكُمْ
فخْرٌ على الخُلَفاءِ الجِلّةِ الصّيدِ
5. He has settled on a mountain of victory
Triumphant with victory, promised victory
٥. قدْ حلّ في جبَلٍ للفَتْحِ مُنْتَسِبٍ
بالفَتْحِ مفْتَخِرٍ بالفتْحِ موْعودِ
6. The ship of hope stretched forth has sailed
In his generosity, steady in generosity
٦. سَفينَةُ الأملِ المَمْدودِ قد سبَحَتْ
في جودِهِ واسْتَوَتْ منْهُ على الجودي
7. Seize the hand of the transgressor, for he is for you
A reserve adorned with necklace and chest
٧. شدّوا علَيْهِ يَدَ المُعْتَدِّ فهْوَ لكُمْ
ذُخْرٌ مُقلَّدٌ في نَحْرٍ وفي جِيدِ