1. He bent his slender, dark ascent,
And unsheathed from his eyelids the sword of his cheek,
١. ثَنى الصّعْدَةَ السّمْراءَ منْ لِينِ قَدِّهِ
وجَرّدَ منْ أجْفانِهِ سَيْفَ خَدِّهِ
2. And came forth with an army of dazzling beauty,
You would see the highborn Arab women beyond his bond.
٢. وأقْبَلَ في جَيْشٍ منَ الحُسْنِ رائِعٍ
ترَى العَرَبَ العَرْباءَ منْ دونِ بَنْدِهِ
3. So from the radiance of his face flashed a glance of his eye,
And from the redness of Mudar shone the page of his cheek.
٣. فمِن ثُعَلِ الزّوْراءِ لمحَةُ طَرْفِهِ
ومنْ مُضَرِ الحَمْراءِ صَفْحَةُ خدِّهِ
4. And for him in the battleground of the heart appeared a victory,
God hastened in it to fulfill His promise to him.
٤. ولاحَتْ لهُ في حوْمَةِ القَلْبِ فتْكَةٌ
تعجَّلَ نصْرَ اللهِ فيها لوَعْدِهِ
5. So he wielded the sword of the glance in the army of passion,
How many compressed hearts above his cheek!
٥. فحكّمَ سيْفَ اللحْظِ في عسْكَرِ الهَوى
فكَمْ مُهْجةٍ مطْلولَةٍ فوقَ خدِّه
6. And how many hearts were lost in the strait of passion,
Shackled, after exhausting all effort.
٦. وكم منْ فُؤادٍ ضاعَ في مأزَق الهَوى
فَقيداً وقد أبْلَى بمَبْلَغِ جُهْدِهِ
7. And in it his death was obscured from his life,
So he lived on in the rule of love for losing him.
٧. وأشْكَلَ فيها موْتُهُ منْ حَياتِهِ
فعُمِّرَ في حُكْمِ الغَرامِ لفَقْدِهِ
8. I swear, he of Hijazi beauty, if he belonged,
The highest brows bowed to the glory of his splendor.
٨. بنَفْسي حِجازيُّ الجَمالِ إذا انْتَمى
تَطأْطَأَتِ العُلْيا لعِزّةِ مجْدِهِ
9. He smiled a brilliant pearl smile,
God's work was elegant in stringing his necklace.
٩. تبسَّمَ عنْ دُرٍّ منَ السِّمْطِ رائِقٍ
تأنّقَ صُنْعُ اللهِ في نَظْمِ عِقْدِهِ
10. His curves revealed striking features,
And his breath revealed the breezes of his homeland.
١٠. ثَناياهُ قد أبْدَتْ مَعالِمَ بارِقٍ
وأنْفاسُهُ أبْدَتْ نَواسِمَ نجْدِهِ
11. And in his twists appeared, when he bent,
The features of the youths of Hijaz and its knights.
١١. وأعْطافُهُ تبْدو علَيْها إذا انْثَنى
شَمائِلُ منْ بانِ الحِجازِ ورَنْدِهِ
12. From the eye of beauty burst a spring,
Around which the hearts of the passionate circle without rosary.
١٢. تفَجَّرَ منْ عيْنِ الجَمالِ بمَوْرِد
تَحومُ القُلوبُ الهِيمُ منْ دونِ وِرْدِهِ
13. The moon of evening appears on his bracelets,
And the branch of blossom frolics in the breath of his chest.
١٣. يَلوحُ على أزْرارِهِ قَمَرُ الدُّجى
ويَمْرَحُ غُصْنُ البانِ في طيِّ بُرْدِهِ
14. And it flirts during youth, joking,
As a sword flirts in its sheath.
١٤. ويحْتالُ أثْناءَ الذُّوابَةِ هازِئاً
كما اخْتالَ سيْفٌ في حَمائِلِ غِمْدِهِ
15. If his curls disturbed his kerchief,
Then how much more did they disturb a passionate heart!
١٥. لَئِنْ قَلِقَتْ أعْطافُهُ في وِشاحِهِ
فكمْ أقْلَقَتْ قلْبَ المَشوقِ بوَجْدِهِ
16. And if magic openly lined his eyelids,
Then how much more did the glance of meaning line them with kohl!
١٦. وإنْ كَحَلَ السِّحْرُ المُبينُ جُفونَهُ
فكَمْ كحِلَتْ طَرْفُ المُعنّى بسُهْدِهِ
17. And they said flirtation, I said no, but a script
In which I bound for him a pact of love.
١٧. وقالوا عِذارٌ قلْتُ لا بَلْ صَحيفةٌ
عَقَدْتُ لهُ فيه وَثيقَةَ وُدِّهِ
18. And he adorned the page of the polished cheek, thereby beautifying it,
As the sheen adorned the blade of the polished sword.
١٨. وشَى صَفحَةَ الخدِّ الصّقيلِ فزانَها
كما زانَ صَفْحَ السّيْفِ وشْيُ فِرِنْدِهِ
19. So O you who don the hair of youth devoutly,
Tell me of my connection to his ascetic ways.
١٩. فَيا لابِساً شَعْرَ الذُّؤابَةِ ناسِكاً
ليُخْبِرَ في وَصْلي بمَذْهَبِ زُهْدِهِ
20. I rode the path of patience, and it was a huge wilderness,
May God protect me from the injustice of the path and its distance.
٢٠. ركِبْتُ طَريقَ الصّبْرِ وهْيَ مَفازَةٌ
ليَ اللهُ منْ غَوْلِ الطّريقِ وبُعْدِهِ
21. Forty moons of estrangement I fulfilled,
So who can help my patience achieve its greatest extent?
٢١. مَواقيتُ هَجْرٍ أرْبَعونَ قَضيْتُها
فَيا مَنْ لصَبْري منْ بُلوغِ أشُدِّهِ
22. When the clouds carried my tears,
My heart quenched in passion the falling of its hailstones.
٢٢. إذا حَمَلَتْ طَلَّ الغَمامَةِ أدْمُعي
رَوى القلبُ منّي في الهَوى سِقْطُ زَنْدِهِ
23. May God water the pact of nearness in the best way He waters
The chaste pacts of passion from the direction of His pact.
٢٣. سَقى اللهُ عهْدَ القُرْبِ أفْضَلَ ما سَقى
عُهودَ الهَوى العُذْريِّ منْ صَوْبِ عهْدِهِ
24. And one day despite the slanderers I stole him,
I declared my gratitude and praise of God openly.
٢٤. ويوْماً على رَغْمِ الوُشاةِ اخْتَلَسْتُهُ
جَهَرْتُ بشُكْرِ اللهِ فيهِ وحَمْدِهِ
25. The eyelid of time slept away from me on purpose,
And often one attains beyond his aim.
٢٥. تَناعَسَ جَفْنُ الدّهْرِ عنّيَ قاصِداً
ورُبّتَما نالَ امْرؤٌ فوْقَ قَصْدِهِ
26. And the chief of the house visited my house,
As the full moon visited the house of its happiness.
٢٦. وحَلّ عَميدُ البيْتِ بيْتيَ زائِراً
كما حلّ بدْرُ التِّمِّ في بَيْتِ سَعْدِهِ
27. So O that my people knew that I
Attained victory over my despair with the paradise of eternity!
٢٧. فيا لَيْتَ قومِي يعْلَمونَ بأنّني
ظَفِرْتُ على يأسي بجَنّةِ خُلْدِهِ
28. So I kissed his face in the night of youth,
And sought refuge in that light from the night of his rejection.
٢٨. فقبّلْتُ في لَيلِ الذّؤابَةِ وجْهَهُ
وعُذْتُ بذاكَ النّورِ منْ ليْلِ صَدِّهِ
29. And I gave him red wine the color of my tears
When it pours molten carnelian from his absence.
٢٩. وعاطَيْتُهُ حَمْراءَ في لونِ أدْمُعي
إذا سَكَبَتْ ذوْبَ العَقيقِ لبُعْدِهِ
30. And I said to its server and to companionship, obedience!
Manage the jest of speech and its passion.
٣٠. وقلْتُ لِساقِيها وللأُنْسِ طاعَةٌ
تحَكَّمُ في هَزْلِ الحَديثِ وجدِّهِ
31. Serve it, for the cheek was made green by modesty,
And the perfume of blossoms encircled his rose.
٣١. أدِرْها فَرَوْضُ الخَدِّ أخْضَلَهُ الحَيا
وحَفَّ طِرازُ الآسِ منْ حوْلِ وَرْدِهِ
32. So he served it mixed with his saliva,
And if I were fair, I would say with his honey.
٣٢. فناوَلَها مَمْزوجَةً برُضابِهِ
ولوْ أنّني أنْصَفْتُ قُلْتُ بشُهْدِهِ
33. For when pleasure appeared to the one resting in it,
And the left inclined toward embracing his nape,
٣٣. فلمّا بدَتْ للرّاحِ فيهِ ارْتياحَةٌ
ومالَتْ شَمالٌ للشَّمولِ بقَدِّهِ
34. He made the plants his pillow, and bent
To cover the babbling of the child above its cradle.
٣٤. توسّدَ أضغاثَ الرَّياحينِ وانْثَنى
يغِطُّ غَطيطَ الطِّفْلِ منْ فوْقِ مَهْدِهِ
35. So I pledged allegiance to the sultan of chastity, and did not allow
Myself except to fulfill the pact with him.
٣٥. فبايَعْتُ سُلْطانَ العَفافِ ولمْ أُجِزْ
على فِكْرَتي إلا الوَفاءَ بعَهْدِهِ
36. O father of glory, most holy, treat gently
Souls conquered by a passion that became the plunder of its army.
٣٦. أبا الشّرف الأرْضَى تلطَّفْ بأنْفُس
غَزاها غَرامٌ أصْبَحَتْ نهْبَ جُنْدِهِ
37. Be gentle, and pardon them with the easiest attainer,
That would protect their reputation like peace and its reconciliation.
٣٧. ترفَّقْ وعَلِّلْها بأيْسَرِ نائِلٍ
يَحوطُ ذَماها كالسَّلامِ ورَدِّهِ
38. And if you will not do so, then you are not in existence
The first patron dealing with his servant.
٣٨. وإنْ أنْتَ لم تَفْعَلْ فما أنْتَ في الوَرى
بأوّلِ موْلَى جارَ في حُكْمِ عبْدِهِ