
Your protection is guarded, and your happiness travels,

جنابك محفوظ وسعدك سافر

1. Your protection is guarded, and your happiness travels,
And your deeds ally with benevolence,

١. جَنابُكَ محْفوظٌ وسعْدُكَ سافِرُ

2. And your view supports manifest success,
And the palace of your elevation rises high in a fertile land,

٢. وفِعْلُكَ للصَّنْعِ الجَميلِ مُحالِفٌ
ورأيُكَ للنّجْحِ المُبينِ مُؤازِرُ

3. The nights pass by it while it remains inhabited,
Its pillars overlooking the heights of the heavens,

٣. وصرْحُ عُلاكَ في سَراوَة يعْرُبٍ
تَبيدُ اللّيالي دونَهُ وهْوَ عامِرُ

4. Nothing but the highest and the proudest,
And you wore the insignia of glory as an infant,

٤. يُطِلُّ على أوْجِ السِّماكِ عِمادُهُ
ولا طُنُبٌ إلا العُلى والمَفاخِرُ

5. And you were weaned yet the calamities were not weaned from you,
And ends can be known from their beginnings,

٥. وألْبِسْتَ سِيَما المجْدِ في المهْدِ ناشِيا
وسُدْتَ وما سُدَّتْ عليْكَ المآزِرُ

6. And the last things appear in the first matters,
An experienced one cured the disease of fate through you,

٦. وقدْ تُعْلَمُ الغاياتُ من بَدآتِها
وتظْهَرُ في أولى الأمورِ الأواخِرُ

7. A doctor skilled in the diseases of politics,
So you are surely connected to the rope of the kingdom,

٧. وعالَجَ داءَ الدّهْرِ منْكَ مجرِّبٌ
طَبيبٌ بأدْواءِ السّياسةِ ماهِرُ

8. And you are without doubt the mender of the religion's fracture,
You seek the most difficult verses so you bend,

٨. فأنْتَ لحَبْلِ المُلْكِ لا شكَّ واصِلٌ
وأنتَ لصَدْعِ الدّينِ لا شكّ جابِرُ

9. The edges of the valleys while you are a pouring sun,
And you take guidance from the light of God,

٩. تَرومُ الأبِيّاتِ الصّعابِ فتَنْثَني
لَيانَ الهَوادي وهْيَ شُمْسٌ نوافِرُ

10. So you see what the matter will lead to in the beginning,
And how many times in Rome you defeated an uprising,

١٠. وتَقْبِسُ منْ نورِ الإلاهِ هِدايةً
فتُبْصِرُ بَدْءاً ما لَهُ الأمْرُ صائِرُ

11. Its platforms for the Muslims are the pulpits,
Its groups of enemies are humiliated,

١١. وكمْ فتْكَةٍ في الرُّومِ بِكْرٍ جلَوْتَها
منصّاتُها للمُسْلِمينَ المَنابِرُ

12. And their approach at the wedding is good tidings,
And when the peninsula sought your protection against evil,

١٢. تَهادَى وألْفافُ البُنودِ خُذورُها
وتَقْدُمُها عنْدَ الزِّفافِ البَشائِرُ

13. A surrounding sea, and throats choked up,
And how can it be close to it when it

١٣. ولمّا اسْتَجارَتْكَ الجَزيرَةُ والرّدى
مُحيطٌ وغصّتْ بالقُلوبِ الحَناجِرُ

14. Harbors faith while he is an unbeliever,
And the number of orphans and bereaved women has multiplied in Rome because of its horrors,

١٤. وكيْفَ له بالقُرْبِ منْها وإنّها
لَتأوي الى إيمانِها وهْوَ كافِرُ

15. The dirges for it lasted long in the land of Rome,
As the flowers crept forward during singing,

١٥. وقد كثُرَتْ في الرَّومِ منْ فَتَكاتِها
عِدادُ اليَتامى والأيامَى الحَواسِرُ

16. And God has for it in existence an island,
That resembles it in the plants of the north, Algiers,

١٦. وطالَتْ لَها الرّنّاتُ في أرْضِ رُومَةٍ
كَما زحَفَتْ عنْدَ الغِناءِ المَزاهِرُ

17. And it is no wonder that a dear one anguishes,
For another, and complains of calamities to calamities,

١٧. ولِلّهِ منْها في الوُجودِ جزيرَةٌ
شكَتْها بمُنْبَتِّ الشّمالِ الجَزائِرُ

18. And you waited half the year minus a little,
Going back and forth to the enemy camps and attacking,

١٨. وليسَ عَجيباً أنْ تغَصَّ عَقيلَةٌ
بأخْرى وتشْكو بالضِّرارِ الضّرائِرُ

19. So the purpose of Rome became weak in every trick,
And the enemy became besieged in the siege,

١٩. وصابَرْتَ شَطْرَ الحوْلِ إلا أقلَّهُ
تُراوِحُ أحْزابَ العِدَى وتُباكِرُ

20. You tightened your breath without wavering,
On the mention of those the calamities have besieged,

٢٠. فعزَّ مَرامُ الرَّومِ في كلِّ حيلة
وأصبح في الحصر العدو المحاصر

21. And you risked your precious soul for it,
And who earns risks except the risk-taker,

٢١. قصرْتَ عليها النّفْسَ غيْرَ معرِّجٍ
على ذِكْرِ مَنْ ضُمَّتْ عليْهِ المَقاصِرُ

22. And its Lord would not know the value of the jewel,
If its shells had been content with counterfeits,

٢٢. وخاطَرْت بالنّفْسِ النّفيسةِ دونَها
وهلْ فازَ بالأخْطارِ إلا المَخاطِرُ

23. You took them across two seas, a sea of enemies,
And a turbulent sea that is turbulent,

٢٣. وما كان يَدْري قيمَةَ الدّرِّ رَبُّهُ
لوِ الْتَزَمَتْ أصْدافَهُنَّ الجَواهِرُ

24. And when the new moon appeared for the crescent you hid it,
Clashing in them the passion yet seizing them,

٢٤. عبَرْتَهُما بحْرَيْنِ بحْراً منَ العِدى
وبحْراً من اللُّجِّ الذي هوَ زاخِرُ

25. The moon's sign appears while the night is ending,
So we see it and hasten towards it,

٢٥. ولمّا تبدّتْ للمُحاقِ حَجّبْتَها
تُصادِمُ فيهِنّ الجَوى وتُصادِرُ

26. Alas! Where is the moon compared to you when appearing?
And how can confusion be allowed when the difference is clear?

٢٦. تلوحُ إياةُ البَدْرِ واللّيْلُ حالِكٌ
فتُبْصِرُنا نسْعى لهُ ونُبادِرُ

27. But for us it is the excuse of a lover,
Whose sea of wishes lacked resources,

٢٧. وهَيْهاتَ أينَ البدْرُ منْكَ إذا بَدا
وكيْفَ يجوزُ اللَّبْسُ والفرْقُ ظاهِرُ

28. So oh Monday night! How much credit you have!
For the occurrence of Islam, and God is Thankful,

٢٨. ولكنّها مِنّا تَعِلّةُ وارِدٍ
بِحار الأماني أعْوزَتْهُ المَصادِرُ

29. You came as the drizzle came upon the meadow,
And the clouds poured down upon the place,

٢٩. فَيا لَيْلَة الإثْنَيْنِ كمْ لكِ منْ يَدٍ
لمَوْقِعِها الإسْلامُ واللهُ شاكِرُ

30. Otherwise like the safety that pleases a fearful one,
And a distant one joining after separation,

٣٠. قدِمْتِ كَما وافَى على الكَبْرَةِ الصِّبا
وجادَتْ على المَحْلِ السَّحابُ المَواطِرُ

31. And the ship sailed from you a shining sun,
With its own orbit of knowledge and forbearance revolving,

٣١. وإلا كما لذّ الأمانُ لخائِفٍ
وواصَلَ منْ بعْدِ القَطيعَةِ هاجِرُ

32. And the enemies schemed against you, each in a distant
Deception that did not cross their minds,

٣٢. وأطْلَعَ منْكِ الفُلْكُ شمْساً مُنيرةً
لها فَلَكٌ بالعِلْمِ والحِلْمِ دائِرُ

33. And you fulfilled while they betrayed, and loyalty is instinct,
And the loyal and betrayer are not equal in fate,

٣٣. ورامَتْ بكِ الأعْداءُ كلَّ بَعيدةٍ
منَ المَكْرِ لمْ تخطُرْ عليْها الخَواطِرُ

34. And these sights do not truly go blind,
But they go blind to prohibitions and insights,

٣٤. وفَيْتَ وخانوا والوَفاءُ غَريزةٌ
وما يسْتَوي في الدّهْرِ وافٍ وغادِرُ

35. Alfonso had certainly worn a garment of blame from it,
That the great kings refuse,

٣٥. وما هذِه الأبْصارُ تعْمى حقيقَة
ولكنّها تعْمى النُّهى والبَصائِرُ

36. And he hurried to remove its garment, dissociating himself,
While your Lord knows what conscience's hide,

٣٦. لقدْ لبسَ الأذْفُنشُ منْها مُلاءَةً
منَ اللّوْمِ تأباها المُلوكُ الأكابِرُ

37. So you faced his apology with good grace,
Even if his crimes against you were great,

٣٧. وأسْرَعَ ينْضو ثوبَها متَنصِّلاً
وربُّكَ يدْري ما تُكِنُّ الضّمائِرُ

38. For you are more worthy to lead to satisfaction,
And more forbearing when excuses are made to you,

٣٨. فقابَلْتَ بالصّفْحِ الجَميلِ اعْتِذارَهُ
وإنْ عظُمَتْ منْهُ إليْكَ الجَرائِرُ

39. Hail to the Emir of the Muslims after a lapse
That with it he inspired present and absent for God,

٣٩. فإنّك أوْلى مَنْ يقودُ الى الرِّضى
وأحْلَمُ مَنْ تُلْقى إليْهِ المَعاذِرُ

40. Repeating its mention will sweeten mouths
As the extracted honey flows,

٤٠. ألا فاشْكُروا يا أهْلَ أنْدَلُسٍ يَداً
ليوسُفَ لا يُحْصي لَها الفخْر حاصِرُ

41. And below it a beautiful one, and though her beauty is unique,
And her glance is bewitching,

٤١. ألا فالْثموا منْهُ الدّروعَ فإنّها
وسائِلُ للغُفْرانِ هَذي المَغافِرُ

42. She veiled the meanings in the blackness of her ink,
As the thick locks veil the flowers of the cheeks,

٤٢. ألا فاشْكُروا تلكَ الكَتائِبَ واجْعَلوا
مَحاريبَ ما تُبْديهِ منْها الحَوافرُ