
A land invaded by the passage of nights

بلد قد غزاه صرف الليالي

1. A land invaded by the passage of nights
And a violator has made its sanctity permitted

١. بَلَدٌ قدْ غَزاهُ صَرْفُ اللّيالي
وأباحَ الحَريمَ منْهُ مُبيحُ

2. So one who fell from its buildings is a martyr
And one who stayed, some are wounded

٢. فالذي خرّ منْ بِناهُ قَتيلٌ
والذي قَرّ منْهُ بعْضٌ جَريحُ

3. It's as if the one who visits is a doctor
Who has come to perform an autopsy on it

٣. وكأنّ الذي يَزورُ طَبيبٌ
قَدْ تأتّى لهُ بهِ التشْريحُ

4. Four pillars and domes are foreign to it
To which the eloquent tongue had walked

٤. أعْجَمَتْ منْهُ أربُعٌ وطُلولٌ
صالَ قِدْماً بِها اللِّسانُ الفَصيحُ

5. How many meanings have been lost in those tunes
And how much beauty that tomb has concealed

٥. كمْ مَعانٍ غابَتْ بتِلْكَ المَغاني
وجَمالٍ أخْفاهُ ذاكَ الضريحُ

6. And kings who worshipped time until
Time itself became an evident slave

٦. ومُلوكٍ تعبّدوا الدّهْرَ حتّى
أصْبَحَ الدّهْرُ وهْوَ عَبْدٌ صَريحُ

7. They battled the occupier of al-Basaita until
The faded and crumbling one attained what he desired

٧. دوّخوا نازِحَ البَسيطةِ حتّى
نالَ ما شاءَ ذابِلٌ وصَفيحُ

8. When a fire of might ignited for them
Then a wind of victory blew for them

٨. حينَ شَبّتْ لهُمْ منَ البأسِ نارٌ
ثمّ هبّتْ لهُمْ منَ النّصْرِ ريحُ

9. A trace that laments the effective one when
Distance from the fortress lasted long for him

٩. أثَرٌ يَنْدُبُ المُؤثِّرَ لمّا
طالَ بَعْدَ الدّنوِّ منْهُ النّزوحُ

10. So the hearts of the stars throb with passion
And the eyes of the clouds sorrowfully weep

١٠. فَقُلوبُ النّجومِ تَخْفِقُ وَجْداً
وعُيونُ السّحابِ حُزْناً تَفوحُ

11. How can the spirit of the house's dweller remain
When the soul has bid farewell to the body

١١. ساكِنُ الدّارِ رُوحُها كيفَ يَبْقى
جَسَدٌ بعْدَما تولّى الرّوحُ