
The pen of beauty has drawn the N of his charm,

قلم المحاسن خط نون عذاره

1. The pen of beauty has drawn the N of his charm,
Or is it a garment woven without a loom?

١. قَلَمُ الْمَحَاسِنِ خَطَّ نُونَ عِذَارِهِ
أَوَ مِثْلَ حُلَّتِهِ يُحَاكُ بِلاَ عَلَمْ

2. Do not fear an eye that perceives his beauty,
For God has protected him with the N and the pen.

٢. لاَ تَتَّقُوا عَيْناً تُصِيبُ جَمَالَهُ
فَاللهُ عَوَّذَهُ بِنُونٍ وَالْقَلَمْ