1. I grew up with certain knowledge of fate
And we know that destiny holds creation in its grip
١. نَبيتُ على عِلْمٍ يَقينٍ من الدّهْرِ
ونعْلَمُ أنّ الخَلْقَ في قبْضَةِ القَهْرِ
2. And we incline to the world, deceived by its vanity
Suffice it for one who hopes for loyalty from betrayal
٢. ونرْكَنُ للدُّنْيا اغْتِراراً بلَهْوِها
وحسْبُكَ مَنْ يرْجو الوَفاءَ منَ الغَدْرِ
3. And we waste time foolishly
As day turns to day and month to month
٣. ونَمْطُلُ بالعزْمِ الزّمانَ سَفاهةً
فيوْمٌ الى يوم وشهْرٌ الى شهْرِ
4. And we are tempted by what perishes, passions and desires
And we reject what remains, oh what a waste of life
٤. ونُغْري بما يَفْنى المَطامِعَ والهَوى
ونرْفُضُ ما يَبْقى فيا ضيْعَةَ العُمْر
5. And we drive away honorable, noble loved ones to demise
Then we joke and play, unconcerned after that
٥. وندْفَعُ أحْباباً كِرامًا الى الرّدى
ونسْلو ونلْهو بعْدَ ذاكَ عنِ الأمْرِ
6. Such is time, it leaves nothing of its news
Ever renewing, never free of strange events
٦. هوَ الدّهْرُ لا يَبْقى على حَدَثانِهِ
جَديدٌ ولا ينْفَكُّ عنْ حادِثٍ نُكْرِ
7. And between impending disasters, there are differences
Like the difference of one taken in the prime of glory
٧. وبيْنَ الخُطوبِ الطّارِقاتِ تَفاضُلٌ
كفَضْلِ مَنِ اغْتالَتْهُ في رِفْعَةِ القَدْرِ
8. Have you not seen that glory loudest winds have stilled
And the beautiful has changed on the face of the eminent
٨. ألَمْ ترَ أنّ المجْدَ أقْوَت رُبوعُهُ
وصوّحَ منْ أدْواحِهِ كلَّ مخْضَرِّ
9. And gloom appeared on the face of the prominent
After cheerfulness and glad tidings
٩. ولاحَتْ على وجْهِ العَلاءِ كآبةٌ
فقطّبَ منْ بعْدِ الطّلاقَةِ والبِشْرِ
10. Our greatest consolation, your loyalty, we
Have endured to melancholy from moral strength
١٠. أمَوْلاتَنا الكُبْرى وفاؤكِ أنّنا
بَرينا الى الأشْجانِ منْ شيمَة الصّبْرِ
11. We lost you, not just the eyes lost their light
You were a light that illuminated the traveller's path
١١. فقَدْناكِ لا فَقَدَ النّواظر نورَها
وكُنْتِ لنا نوراً يُضيءُ لمَنْ يَسْري
12. I wondered at fate's killer, how he was not deterred
From your abode, surrounded by prohibitions and commands
١٢. عجِبْتُ لمُغْتالِ الرّدى كيْفَ لمْ يُرَعْ
لمَنزِلِكِ المحْفوفِ بالنّهْيِ والأمْرِ
13. And how the vicissitudes of time were determined
To breach the white castle and the brown spear
١٣. وكيْفَ انْبَرى صرْفُ الحِمامِ مصَمِّماً
خِلالَ الصِّفاحِ البيضِ والأسَلِ السُّمْرِ
14. Ramparts of firm religion, so many shields for the kingdom and glory
We prepare the lofty spears and arrows
١٤. سُتورٌ منَ الدّينِ المَتينِ كثيفَةٌ
وكمْ دونَها للمُلْكِ والعِزِّ منْ سِتْرِ
15. And the command of God comes from where we know not
Such is time, its rule advances in the wilderness
١٥. نعِدُّ الرِّماحَ المشْرَفيّة والقَنى
ويَطْرُقُ أمْرُ اللهِ من حيث لا ندْري
16. The glory of wealth is the same as the humiliation of poverty
Tubba was struck down by fate intentionally though
١٦. هوَ الدّهْرُ يجْري في البريّةِ حُكْمُهُ
فعِزُّ الغِنى سِيّانِ أو ذِلّةُ الفَقْرِ
17. His followers had no aid in that ordeal
And Anushirwan finished off Chosroes with his fate
١٧. رَمَي تُبَّعاً بالحَتْفِ قصْداً فلمْ يكُنْ
لأتْباعِهِ في ذلكَ الخَطْبِ منْ نصْرِ
18. Stripped bare, and left no palace for Caesar
Islam was anguished by you and its people
١٨. وأرْدَى أنُوشِرْوانُ كِسْرى بصَرْفِهِ
كَسيراً ولم يتْرُكْ لقَيْصَرَ من قصْرِ
19. For losing a famous provision of well-known mention
And a singular one who surpassed the women of her time
١٩. لقدْ فُجعَ الإسْلامُ منْكِ وأهْلُهُ
بذُخْرٍ بَعيدِ الصّيتِ مُشْتَهِرِ الذِّكْرِ
20. As she excelled the like of her, the Night of Power
Did femininity lower the status of the sun?
٢٠. وواحِدَةٍ فاقَتْ نِساءَ زَمانِها
كَما فضَلَتْ أمْثالَها ليلةُ القَدْرِ
21. Or did masculinity raise the status of the full moon?
Originality of views, excellence of policy
٢١. وهلْ خفَضَ التّأنيثُ للشّمْسِ رُتْبةً
وهلْ رفَعَ التّذْكيرُ منْ رُتْبَةِ البَدْرِ
22. And pride of affiliation, the utmost pride
And a record of glory, its pages contained
٢٢. أصالةُ آراءِ وفَضلُ سياسةِ
وفخْرُ انْتِماءٍ دونَه مُنْتَهى الفخْرِ
23. During the victorious kings, the sons of Nasr
By continuing good, pious conduct and a means
٢٣. وديوانُ مجْدٍ ضُمِّنَتْ صَفحاتُهُ
خِلالَ المُلوكِ الغالِبينَ بَني نصْرِ
24. To shelter the anguished, aid the oppressed
I see the journey of life, its return hoped for
٢٤. بإبْقاءِ معْروفٍ برَعْيِ وسيلَةٍ
بإيواءِ مَلْهوفٍ بنُصْرَةِ مُضْطَرِّ
25. Return your gaze to the palace of the kingdom
Even if just an illusion that passes
٢٥. أرى سَفَرَ الدُّنْيا يُرَجّى إيابُهُ
26. For in it is many a heart throbbing for your absence
And much burning anguish and flowing tears
٢٦. أعيدي لقَصْرِ المُلْكِ منْك التِفاتَةً
ولوْ بمَزارٍ للخَيالِ الذي يَسْري
27. And a group, whose unity was torn by the hand of longing
And a beautiful sight, changed by the hand of fate
٢٧. فكَمْ فيهِ من قلْبٍ لبُعْدِك خافِقٍ
ومنْ لوْعةٍ تُذْكى ومنْ عبْرَةٍ تَجْري
28. And a position of power, its flanks made desolate
And the aura of a palace seen without a full moon
٢٨. وشمْلٍ جميعٍ فرّقَتْهُ يَدُ النّوى
ومرْأىً بديعٍ غيّرتْهُ يَدُ الدّهْرِ
29. You were but the sun, the world lived by you
At the height of glory or peak of destiny
٢٩. ومنْصِبُ مُلْكٍ أوْحَشَتْ جَنَباتُهُ
وهالة إيوان تراءت بلا بدر
30. Alas, for the sun, who resembles you?
Perfection without flaw, benefit without harm
٣٠. وما كنت إلا الشمس يحيا بك الورى
على بُعدِ العَلْياءِ أو رِفْعَة القَدْرِ
31. We carried from you a blessed raincloud
Holy rain, generous pouring
٣١. وهيْهاتَ مَنْ للشّمْسِ منْكِ بمُشْبِهٍ
كمالٌ بِلا نقْصٍ ونفْعٌ بِلا ضُرِّ
32. And when we came to the grave in the darkness of night
We saw the setting of the sun at dawn's break
٣٢. حَمَلْنا على الأعْناقِ منْكِ سَحابةً
مُبارَكَةَ السُّقْيا مقدّسَةَ القَطْرِ
33. If only a grave became for people a place of pilgrimage
We would make our prayers facing that grave
٣٣. ولمّا أتيْنا اللّحْدَ في غلَسِ الدُّجى
رأيْنا أفولَ الشّمْسِ في مطْلَعِ الفَجْرِ
34. If people found a way to the soil
That contained your covered grave of merit and righteous deeds
٣٤. فلَوْ أنّ قبْراً صارَ للنّاسِ قِبْلَةً
جعَلْنا مُصَلاّنا الى ذلِكَ القَبْرِ
35. They would circle it seven times, yearn and pilgrimage
And through it attain reward and recompense
٣٥. ولوْ وجَدَ الخَلْقُ السّبيلَ لتُرْبَةٍ
حوَتْ لحْدَك المَكْفوفَ بالفَضْلِ والبِرِّ
36. And the resolve of Joseph, descendant
Of your pure, just, generous lineage intervened
٣٦. لَطافوا بِها سبْعاً ولبّوا وأحْرَموا
فَفازوا لدَيْها بالمَثوبَةِ والأجْرِ
37. But it is a judgment from God, welling forth
To be met with acceptance, patience, and gratitude
٣٧. وذادَتْ عنِ العَلْياءِ عزْمَةُ يوسُفٍ
سَليلِ عُلاكَ الطّاهِرِ المَلِكِ البِرِّ
38. And below you is a servant, mourning your kingdom
Praise, as the breeze stirs the flowers
٣٨. ولكنّهُ حُكْمٌ منَ اللهِ نابعٌ
يُقابَلُ بالتّسْليمِ والصّبْرِ والشُّكْرِ
39. If it were in my capacity, I would have reached in praise
What your mighty status deserves, not what my capacity deserves
٣٩. ودونَكِ منْ عبْدٍ لمُلْكِكِ نادِبٍ
ثَناءً كما هبّ النّسيمُ على الزّهْرِ
40. By God, I have not fulfilled your rightful due
But it is something by which I establish my excuse
٤٠. ولوْ كان في وُسْعي غَناءٌ بلَغْتُهُ
بِما يَقْتَضيهِ قدْرُكِ الضّخْمُ لا قَدْري
٤١. وواللّهِ ما وفّيْتُ حقَّكِ واجِباً
ولكنّهُ شيءٌ أقَمْتُ بهِ عُذْري