
Every person heading towards a hoped for goal

كل جار لغاية مرجوه

1. Every person heading towards a hoped for goal
Is in my eyes no longer bound by childish ways

١. كُلُّ جارٍ لِغايَةٍ مرْجُوّهْ
فهْوَ عِندي لمْ يعُدْ حدَّ الفُتوّهْ

2. I saw you break in violently one night, oh beast
Leading in your camel into its resting place

٢. واراكَ اقْتحمْتَ ليْلاً بَهيماً
مُولِجاً منْكَ ناقَةً في كُوّهْ

3. We saw nothing original, nothing invented
When we saw your overly adorned bride

٣. لا اتِّباعاً ولا اخْتِراعاً أرَتْنا
إذْ نظَرْنا عَروسُكَ المَجْلوَّهْ

4. All you have said is what people have already spoken
Its verses so often recited and intoned

٤. كُلُّ ما قُلْتَهُ فقدْ قالَه النا
سُ مَقالاً آياتُهُ مَتْلُوّهْ

5. You’ve added nothing except to explicate
The grammar in each carefully pronounced word

٥. لمْ تَزِدْ غيْرَ أنْ أبَحْتَ حِمى
الإعْرابِ في كلِّ لفْظَةٍ مَقْروّهْ

6. So ask God for an idea to compel the mind
To a seemliness that would shroud the nude

٦. فسَلِ اللهَ فكْرَةً تُلزِمُ العقْ
لَ الى حِشْمَةٍ تَحوطُ المُرُوّهْ

7. And it pains me that you were Yahya
Yet did not firmly grasp the book, the Quran

٧. وعَزيزٌ عليّ أنْ كُنْتَ يَحْيَى
ثمّ لمْ تأخُذِ الكِتابَ بقُوّهْ