
When you were pleased with my separation and distance,

لما رضيت بفرقتي وبعادي

1. When you were pleased with my separation and distance,
And dashed my hopes and betrayed my love,

١. لمّا رضيتَ بفُرقَتي وبِعادي
وصَرَمْتَ آمالي وخُنْتَ وِدادي

2. I cursed the mother of patience in you and after it,
And I bequeathed to sorrows the treasure of my heart.

٢. لاعَنْتُ أمَّ الصّبْرِ فيكَ وبَعْدَهُ
ورّثْتُ للأشْجانِ كنْزَ فؤادي

3. So patience has become foreign to me after her,
And the pangs of sorrow are among my children.

٣. فالصّبْرُ منّي أجْنَبيُّ بعْدَها
ولَواعِجُ الأشْجانِ منْ أوْلادي