
The paradise is your dwelling place the day of prosperity,

غشيان مثواك مثوى الجود يوم ندى

1. The paradise is your dwelling place the day of prosperity,
Where the father and son compete in generosity.

١. غِشْيانُ مَثْواكَ مثْوى الجودِ يوْمَ ندىً
ممّا يُنافِسُ فيهِ الوالِدُ الوَلَدا

2. And your love today is a treasure for those who gain it,
Reaping with it triumph in the abode of bliss tomorrow.

٢. وحُبُّكَ اليوْمَ ذُخْرُ مَنْ تأثّلَهُ
جَنى بهِ الفوْزَ في دارِ النّعيمِ غَدا

3. I have stretched out my hand for permission from your loftiness,
So allow it as long as you are the most high of both worlds.

٣. وقدْ مدَدْتُ لإذْنٍ منْ عُلاكَ يَدي
فاسْمَحْ بِها دُمْتَ أعْلى العالَمينَ يَدا