1. At the fourth hour I came to announce
And to eulogize the valorous master
١. بِرابِعَةِ السّاعاتِ جِئْتُ أخَبِّرُ
وللمَدْحِ في الموْلى الهُمامِ أحَبِّرُ
2. Why not, when Allah revived through you a tradition
That we celebrate its holidays and pronounce the takbeer
٢. ولم لا وقدْ أحْيا بكَ اللهُ سُنّةً
نُهَلِّلُ في أعْيادِها ونُكَبِّرُ
3. It was as though for people the month of Rabee’
Was a Rabee’ watered by a cloud from you pouring rain
٣. كأنّ رَبيعاً كان للنّاسِ شهْرُهُ
رَبيعاً سَقاهُ عارضٌ منْكَ مُمْطِرُ
4. So its outskirts blossomed from the light of your face
And its lowlands bloomed from the light of your generosity
٤. فأرْجاؤهُ منْ نورِ وجْهِكَ تزْدَهي
وبَطْحاؤهُ منْ نَوْرِ جودِكَ تُزْهِرُ
5. Muhammad, you have honored the religion of Muhammad
And who like you shows goodness and conceals it
٥. محمّدٌ قدْ عظَّمْتَ دينَ محمّدٍ
ومِثْلُكَ مَنْ يُبْدي الجَميلَ ويُضْمِرُ
6. Indeed a caliph has supported the kingdom through you
To him under the veil of the unseen is triumphant support
٦. لقدْ شدّ أزْرَ المُلْكِ منْكَ خليفَةٌ
لهُ تحْتَ سِتْرِ الغَيْبِ نصْرٌ مؤزّرُ
7. From it the learned foresee good tidings
Near in reach, oh Allah, regarding what you foretell
٧. تبَشِّرُ منْهُ العارِفونَ بوارِدٍ
قَريبِ المَدى يا لَلّهِ فيما تُبشِّرُ
8. So be certain in Allah, seeking victory through Him
Is there then other than Allah sufficient to grant victory?
٨. فكُنْ واثِقاً باللهِ مُسْتَنْصِراً بهِ
فهَلْ ثَمَّ إلا اللّهُ يكْفي ويَنْصُرُ
9. He will defeat the multitudes of polytheists numerous
And nurture the little of religion until it becomes prolific
٩. يفُلُّ جُموعَ الشّرْكِ وهْيَ كثيرَةٌ
ويَنْمي منَ الدّينِ القَليلَ فيَكْثُرُ