1. When you travel, light travels wherever you turn
As if you were a full moon and the countries were stars
١. إذا سِرْتَ سارَ النّورُ حيثُ تَعوجُ
كأنّكَ بَدْرٌ والبِلادُ بُروجُ
2. May God grant you a full moon on the horizon of the Highest
That appears with an ocean swirling in waves
٢. لكَ اللهُ منْ بَدْرٍ على أفُقِ العُلى
يَلوحُ وبَحْرٌ بالنّوالِ يَموجُ
3. You examined the state of the frontiers with an intention
That inclines towards the gates of acceptance like a climb
٣. تفَقّدْتَ أحْوالَ الثّغورِ بنِيّةٍ
لَها نحْوَ أبوابِ القَبولِ عُروجُ
4. And you settled them close to you and did not cease
To yearn for love before it and stir it
٤. وسكّنْتَها بالقُرْبِ منكَ ولمْ تَزَلْ
تَهيمُ هَوىً منْ قَبْلِهِ وتَهيجُ
5. I passed by a promise of rain afterward
So its view after gloom is delightful
٥. مَرَرْتُ على وعْدٍ معَ الغَيْثِ بعْدَها
فمَنْظَرُها بعْدَ العُبوسِ بَهيجُ
6. Thus how many hills has light crowned their crowns
And waved over them to the plants interwoven
٦. فكمْ تَلْعةٍ قد كلّلَ النَّوْرُ تاجَها
ورَفّ علَيْها للنّباتِ نَسيجُ
7. And we find no meadow or garden
And no gorge but a stream and bay
٧. ولا نَجْدَ إلا رَوضَة وحَديقَةٌ
ولا غَوْرَ إلا جَدْولٌ وخَليجُ
8. Oh Joseph, blood of the religion, protect its pillars
When the mighty calamity has violent quakes
٨. أيُوسُفُ دُم للدّين تحْمي ذِمارَهُ
إذا كانَ للخَطْبِ الأبيِّ وُلوجُ
9. With the youth of sincerity, if the night of an event darkens
They are lamps whose horizons are clear
٩. بفِتيةِ صِدْقٍ إنْ دَجا ليْلُ حادِثٍ
فهُمْ سُرُجٌ آفاقُهُنّ سُروجُ
10. My eye remained delighted as long as a shining one scattered rays
And pilgrims circumambulated the Ancient House
١٠. بَقيت قَريرَ العيْنِ ما ذَرّ شارِقٌ
وما طافَ بالبَيْتِ العَتيقِ حَجيجُ