
I lost my beauty and my crown,

فقت الحسان بحلتي وبتاجي

1. I lost my beauty and my crown,
The stars fell down for me in constellations.

١. فُقْتُ الحِسانَ بحُلّتي وبِتاجي
فهَوَتْ إليّ الشُّهْبُ في الأبْراجِ

2. The water jug appears in me like a worshipper
In the direction of the altar, standing praying.

٢. يَبْدو إناءُ الماءِ فيّ كَعابِدٍ
في قِبْلَةِ المِحْرابِ قامَ يُناجي

3. My virtues guaranteed, despite the bitterness of time,
The needs of the needy and the pilgrim throngs.

٣. ضَمِنَتْ علَى مرّ الزّمانِ مَكارِمي
رِيَّ الأُوامِ وحاجَةَ المُحْتاجِ

4. As if I collected traces of dew,
From the palm of our master Abu Al Hajjaj.

٤. فكأنّني اسْتَقْرَيْتُ آثارَ النّدى
مِنْ كَفِّ موْلانا أبي الحَجّاجِ

5. He remains a full moon in the sky of the caliphate,
As long as a full moon shines in the pitch-black darkness.

٥. لا زالَ بَدْراً في سَماءِ خِلافَةٍ
ما لاحَ بَدْرٌ في الظّلامِ الدّاجي