1. How strange is the firmness of passion that burns unflinchingly,
And the love in a heart where its fuel took hold as a spark.
١. عَجَباً لوَجْدٍ لا يَلينُ شَديدُهُ
وغَرامِ قلْبٍ شَبَّ فيهِ وَقودُهُ
2. I knew this heart to be devout,
So why is its torment destined to last?
٢. ولقَد عَهِدْتُ القَلْبَ وهْوَ موَحِّدُ
فعَلامَ يُقْضَى في العَذابِ خُلودُهُ
3. My soul's ruin in loving you is its life,
And my heart's dissolution in your pleasure is its existence.
٣. إتْلافُ نَفْسي في هَواكِ حَياتُها
وفَناءُ قَلبي في رِضاكِ وُجودُهُ
4. And if you doubt, ask the witnesses of my tears
For their truthfulness in my eyelids is evident.
٤. وإنْ اسْتَرَبْتِ سَلي شُهودَ مَدامِعي
قدْ صحَّ مَنْ في وَجْنَتَيْهِ شُهودُهُ
5. Do you remember the days of ardor and their pacts?
By God, those days of passion and their covenants!
٥. هلْ تذْكُرينَ عُهودَ أيّامِ الحِمى
للّهِ أيّامُ الحمَى وعُهودُهُ
6. When life's days were serene and youth carefree,
Its garments pliant, soft and silky.
٦. أيّامَ وجهُ الدّهْرِ طَلْقٌ والصِّبا
لُدْنُ المَعاطِفِ يانِعٌ أُمْلودُهُ
7. But now nearness in love from us
Is distant, blocked by barriers to union.
٧. فاليوْمَ عادَ القُرْبُ منّا في الهَوى
بُعْداً وصالَ علَى الوصالِ صُدودُهُ
8. A twinkling star has pained me,
Agonizing the stalwart core of my heart.
٨. ولقدْ شَجاني بارِقٌ متَأنِّقٌ
يُشْجى بهِ صَبُّ الفؤادِ عَميدُهُ
9. It hid in the wing of night amid the swoon of passion,
Falling, piercing the clouds, its strands scattered.
٩. أوْرَى بِجُنْحِ اللّيلِ في سِقْطِ اللِّوى
سِقْطاً ورَتْ خَلَلَ السَّحابِ زُنودُهُ
10. Over the traces of the beloved it hovered as a mirage,
And I thought my eyes in that moment poured forth their waters.
١٠. وهمَى علَى طَلَلِ الأحبّةِ ديمَةً
فحَسِبْتُ عيْني عنْدَ ذاكَ تَجودُهُ
11. As if the light of Joseph's forehead was its light,
And its shimmering mirage was his mantle's train.
١١. وكأنّ نورَ جَبينِ يوسُفَ نورُهُ
وكأنّ ديمَتَهُ المُلِثّةَ جودُهُ
12. A just king whose shade trembles as he establishes truth,
For truth makes the archways quiver mightily.
١٢. مَلِكٌ أقامَ الحقَّ يَخْفِقُ ظِلُّهُ
فالحَقُّ خَفّاقُ الرِّواقِ مَديدُهُ
13. The Lord of the Throne endowed him with a verse of pride
Decreeing that kings are but his servants.
١٣. وحَباهُ رَبُّ العرْشِ آيةَ مَفْخَرٍ
حَكَمَتْ لهُ أنّ المُلوكَ عَبيدُهُ
14. He protected the peninsula, bearing its burdens,
With an army whose multitude could not be counted.
١٤. وحمَى الجَزيرَةَ حامِلاً أعْباءَها
بِلُهامِ جيْشٍ لا يُكَثُّ عَديدُهُ
15. Holding fast to the means of ascension,
Wherein God's preservation cannot be undone.
١٥. وغَدا بأسْبابِ العُلَى متمسِّكاً
فيها فحِفْظُ اللهِ ليْسَ يَؤودهُ
16. The Prophet's helpers were his ancestors,
So the angels of the seven heavens are his soldiers.
١٦. من كانَ أنْصارُ النّبيِّ جُدودَهُ
فَملائِكُ السّبْعِ الطِّباقِ جُنودُهُ
17. The branches of his spears budded
With the anemones of mighty triumph.
١٧. ماسَت غُصونُ رِماحِهِ وتفتّحَتْ
بشَقائِقِ النّصْرِ العَزيزِ بُنودُهُ
18. He readied the tackle of war like cruisers
That race on their heels are lions dark.
١٨. وأعَدّ أوْزارَ الحُروبِ صَوافِناً
تَمْضي علَى عِقْبانِهِنّ أُسودُهُ
19. Of every smooth, preceding courser,
Its splendor dims not amidst the flames of war.
١٩. منْ كُلِّ أجْرَدَ سابِقٍ عبْلِ الشَّوى
ما إنْ تُحَطُّ عنِ الحُروبِ لُبودُهُ
20. He aims the distant goal and it recoils,
While its seeking returns far reaching.
٢٠. يَرْمي بهِ الغَرَضَ البَعيدَ فيَنْثَني
بطِلابِهِ كثِبُ المَزارِ بَعيدُهُ
21. He comes close to unfurling the crescent when traveling at night,
And mimics the shining sun with his headband.
٢١. ويكادُ ينْتَعِلُ الهِلالَ إذا سَرَى
ويُقَلِّدُ الشّمسَ المُنيرَةَ جِيدُهُ
22. And white bows were given to drink the blood of foes,
So their flexing appeared crimson on their arc.
٢٢. وقَواضِباً بِيضاً سُقينَ دمَ العِدى
فبَدا على صَفَحاتِها توْرِيدُهُ
23. And supple coats of mail whose weave
Was destined by David in its tight plaiting.
٢٣. ومُفاضَةً زَغْفاً تضاعَفَ نَسْجُها
خَلْقاءَ قدَّرَ نَسْجَها داوُودُهُ
24. And smooth spears that incline toward the arrows of doom,
Striking their intended marks unerringly.
٢٤. وحَنيّةً تحْنو على سهْمِ الرّدى
فيُصيبُ شاكِلَةَ الرّميِّ سَديدُهُ
25. Misguidance by them is laid waste, its vegetation withering,
While by the religion of divine oneness its stakes grow verdant.
٢٥. أضْحى الضّلالُ بِها يُصوِّحُ نَبْتُهُ
واخْضَرَّ منْ دينِ الحَنيفَةِ عودُهُ
26. Successor of the Merciful, and king whose lineage
Thrives, cultivated from the loins of Khazraj.
٢٦. أخَليفَةَ الرّحمانِ والملْكُ الذي
تَنْميهِ منْ أقْيالِ خَزْرَجَ صِيدُهُ
27. What can an eulogizer adorn in praising you
When his sea of praise is not richly streaming?
٢٧. ماذا يُنَمِّقُ في امْتِداحِكَ مادِحٌ
لا يُنْزِفُ البحْرَ الخِضَمَّ وُرودُهُ
28. Not the blossoms of the valley's garden bed, watered by dew,
With lightning flashing over it and thunder sounding.
٢٨. ما زَهْرُ روضِ الغَوْرِ روّضَهُ الحَيا
وحنَتْ عليْهِ بُروقُهُ ورُعودُهُ
29. The train of hanging pearls in its leaves
Dispersed like scattered pearly beads freed of knots.
٢٩. وسَرَى سَقيطُ الطَّلِّ في أوْراقِهِ
بَدَداً كدُرٍّ أسْلَمَتْهُ عُقودُهُ
30. As if it blossomed on the riverbank,
Its willow frond whispering its secret.
٣٠. وكأنّه في ضِفّةِ النّهْرِ انْتَشى
وغَدا يَبوحُ بسِرّهِ عِرْبيدُهُ
31. With jasmine whose petals split from the dew's moisture,
And lilies hardened by the cold upon them.
٣١. بجَنِيِّ وَرْدِ شجَّ وجْنَتَهُ النّدى
وبسَوسَنٍ شُقَّتْ علَيْهِ بُرودُهُ
32. The boughs of acacia in it seem to pray in devotion,
Bowing down and prostrating in worship.
٣٢. وتَخالُ غُصْنَ البانِ فيه عابِدا
ما إنْ يَريمُ رُكوعُهُ وسُجودُهُ
33. In composing from a stream of fragrant praise,
To be gifted to your unique gathering of nobility.
٣٣. بأنَمَّ مِنْ مَسْرى امْتِداحٍ عاطِرٍ
يُهْدَى الى نادي عُلاكَ فَريدُهُ
34. You have dressed this kingdom in the garb of augustness
That remains novel over time however long.
٣٤. ألْبَسْتَ هَذا المُلْكَ ثوْبَ جَلالَةٍ
يَبْقي على مَرِّ الجَديدِ جَديدُهُ
35. You have supported the religion of God, O son of its helper,
Until it towered high above the celestial dome.
٣٥. وعَضَدْتَ دينَ اللهِ يا ابْنَ نَصيرِهِ
حتّى سَما فوْقَ السّماءِ عَمودُهُ
36. You have striven against the religion of unbelief until you erased it,
While the recalcitrant sought peace from you.
٣٦. جاهَدتَ دينَ الكُفْرِ حتّى سِمْتَهُ
خَسْفاً ورامَ السَّلْمَ منْكَ عَنيدُهُ
37. And you followed in the steps of the Prophet enacting
What his truthful companion and martyr carried out.
٣٧. وتبِعْتَ آثارَ النّبيّ مُيَمِّماً
ما أمَّهُ صِدّيقُهُ وشَهيدُهُ
38. You met the month of fasting with what it deserves,
As sustenance descends abundantly from God’s grace.
٣٨. قابَلْتَ شهْرَ الصّومِ منْكَ بما بهِ
ينْهَلُّ منْ فَضْلِ الإلاهِ مَزيدُهُ
39. You completed the nights in full with recitation,
Whose rising conveyance attains acceptance.
٣٩. ووصَلْتَ تِمَّ اللّيْلِ منْهُ بيَوْمِهِ
ذِكْراً يُبَلِّغْهُ القَبولَ صُعودُهُ
40. And you have set out with the finest initiative for alms,
Its coolness moistening parched hearts.
٤٠. وشَرَعْتُ للصّدَقاتِ أصْفى مَشْرَعٍ
يَنْدى على حَرِّ الصُّدورِ بُرودُهُ
41. So may its fast reward you abundantly,
And may its feast gift you triumphant victory.
٤١. فجَزاكَ بالأجْرِ الجَزيلِ صِيامُهُ
وحَباكَ بالنّصْرِ المؤزَّرِ عِيدُهُ
42. Rejoice in this as the happiest recipient,
Since by Muslim might its fortunes have risen!
٤٢. فاهْنَأْ بهِ في الدّهْرِ أسْعَدَ قابِلٍ
طَلَعَتْ بعِزِ المُسْلِمينَ سُعودُهُ
43. When you passed by the prayer spot in the morning
With dust clinging to your feet,
٤٣. لمّا مرَرْتَ الى مُصلاّهُ ضُحىً
والتُّرْبُ يلْثِمُ أخْمصَيْكَ صَعيدُهُ
44. You fulfilled the right of Islamic law intentionally,
Pursuing what the righteous kings firmly establish.
٤٤. قضّيْتَ منْ حَقِّ الشّريعَةِ مَقْصَداً
لزِمَ المُلوكَ الصّالحِينَ أكيدُهُ
45. So live forever, last eternally, enjoying perfect bounty,
An everlasting kingdom none can equal!
٤٥. فاخْلُدْ ودُمْ وانْعَمْ بسابِغِ نِعْمَةٍ
تَتْرَى ومُلْكٌ لا يُثَلُّ مَشيدُهُ
46. May your remembrance in the plain remain forever,
And your praiseworthy traits be seen throughout time.
٤٦. لازالَ ذِكْرُكَ في البسيطَةِ دائِماً
سَيُرى على كَتِدِ الزّمانِ حَميدُهُ
47. Whoever of your enemies intends evil against your kingdom,
God will be plotting his deception!
٤٧. منْ كادَ مُلْكَكَ منْ عدوٍّ يَبْتَغي
شَرّاً فإنّ اللهَ عنْكَ يَكيدُهُ