1. A pearl of light in an emerald case
As it shone among the greenery, reposing
١. ودُرّةِ نَوْرٍ في غِلافِ زَبَرْجَدٍ
كما لاحَ في الخَضْراءِ لألاءُ فَرقَدِ
2. As if a girl received from her lover
A letter complaining of love without appointment
٢. كأنّ فَتاةً جاءَها منْ خَليلِها
كِتابٌ بشَكْوى الحُبِّ منْ غيرِ موْعِدِ
3. She wrapped with the green brocade her fingers
Bashfully and reverently, not to be touched by hand.
٣. فلَفّتْ بمُخْضَرِّ البُرودِ بَنانَها
بُروراً وإجْلالاً عن اللّمْسِ باليَدِ