
What harm if he bid farewell or took leave,

ما ضر لو سلم أو ودعا

1. What harm if he bid farewell or took leave,
He who entrusted to my heart which entrusted him

١. ما ضرَّ لو سلّمَ أو ودّعا
مَنْ أوْدَعَ القلْبَ الذي أوْدَعا

2. He was jealous of my glance on the day we parted,
Why did he not honor my pledge as I honored it

٢. ضَنّ برَجْعِ الطّرْفِ يوْمَ النّوى
هَلاّ رَعَى عهْدِي كَما أرْعى

3. He took away the camels and left me behind,
So I asked the relics of stone about them

٣. زمّ المَطايَا وتَخلَّفَني
أسْألُ عنْها الطّلَلَ البَلْقَعا

4. And he ceased not to wander every hillock,
A day, nor bend down to it deceitfully

٤. وصارَ لا يلْوي على طِيّةٍ
يوْماً ولا يلْوي لَها أخدَعا

5. And my heart departed after him,
So I weep for him while my heart is with him

٥. وارْتَحَلَ القَلْبُ على إثْرِه
فصِرْتُ أبكِيهِ وقَلبي مَعا

6. I adjure you, O breeze of the dawn,
If you come in your wandering, bare

٦. نشَدْتُكَ اللهَ نسيمَ الصَّبا
إنْ جِئْتَ في تَسْيارِكَ الأجْرَعا

7. You have plucked from its branches only witheredness,
And you have heard from its betrayal only lies

٧. هصَرْتَ منْ أغْصانِهِ ذُبُلا
وصُغْتَ منْ غُدْرانِه أذْرُعا

8. Pass by the valley gently,
And convey my greetings to that pasture

٨. عرِّجْ على الوادِي كَذا يسْرَةً
وابْلِغْ سَلامي ذلكَ المَرْبَعا

9. And tell her that I remain true to
My love, if he is faithful or unfaithful

٩. وقُلْ لها إنّي مُقيمٌ على
وُدّي إذا أخْلَفَ أو ضيّعا

10. O you who ask me how the taste of passion is,
By God, how sweet and how bitter!

١٠. يا سائِلاً لي كيْفَ طعْمُ الهَوى
للّهِ ما أحْلَى وما أفْظَعا

11. It is as if my ribs contain a lightning
That flames when a roaring cloud thunders

١١. كأنّما في أضْلُعي بارِقٌ
يهْفو إذا ما صادِحٌ رجّعا

12. It is as if my tears, when the pangs
Of passion seek help, run to aid

١٢. كأنّما دمْعي إذا استَنْصَرَتْ
لَواعِجُ الشّوْقِ بهِ أسْرَعا

13. The raccoon eyes on my cheeks
Do whatever they want to do

١٣. وضُمَّرُ الشُّقْرِ علَى وَجْنَتي
تصْنَعُ ما شاءَتْهُ أنْ يَصْنَعا

14. The army of the Banu Nasr, kings of the world,
A people when the summoner to an ordeal calls

١٤. جيْشُ بَني نصْرٍٍ مُلوكِ الوَرَى
قوْماً إذا الدّاعِي لخَطْبٍ دَعا

15. Caliphs whose glory branched out
High in majesty and spread in following

١٥. خَلائِفٌ مجْدُهُمُ أفْرُعٌ
سَما جَلالاً ونَما تَبَعا

16. A house standing on the foundation of guidance
Which God has given permission to be elevated

١٦. بَيْتٌ علَى أُسِّ الهُدَى قائِمٌ
قدْ أذِنَ اللهُ بأنْ يُرْفَعا

17. Lands of truth whose people struggled against injustice
And made its lands submitted

١٧. أمْلاكُ صِدْقٍ جاهدوا في العِدَى
وصيّروا أمْلاكَها خُضَّعا

18. Seek testament in its land and you will find
At every hilltop a place of death

١٨. فاسْتَشْهِدِ الآثارَ في أرْضِها
تُلْفِ بكُلِّ رَبْوَةٍ مَصْرَعا

19. If fate assaulted a people who defended,
Or if days stumbled, they said: Refuge is in God

١٩. إنْ بَطَشَ الدّهْرُ بقوْمٍ حمَوْا
أو تعْثُرِ الأيّامُ قالوا لَعا

20. Or if you came to them in barrenness, seeking drink,
They poured on you rain laden clouds

٢٠. أوْ جِئْتَهُم في الجَدْبِ تبْغي النّدى
سحّوا عليْكَ السُّحْبَ الهُمَّعا

21. And if you knew the people you found them
By God, how rightly guided and how virtuous!

٢١. وإنْ خبرْتَ القوْمَ ألفَيْتَهُمْ
للّهِ ما أهْدَى وما أوْرَعا

22. In the heat of war, lions of evil,
And in the darkness, kneeling worshippers

٢٢. في حَوْمَة الحرْبِ أسودَ الشّرَى
وفي الظّلامِ سُجَّداً رُكّعا

23. The stars of earth and its lights
Their west has become their east

٢٣. كَواكِبُ الأرْضِ وأنْوارُها
أضْحَى بهِمْ مَغْرِبُها مَطْلِعا

24. It suffices them that they gave birth to Yusuf
The purest, most splendid king

٢٤. كَفاهُمُ أنْ أنْجَبوا يوسُفاً
الأريَحيَّ المَلِكَ الأرْوَعا

25. A king of boundless generosity, who poured forth dew
More beneficial than rain or clouds

٢٥. ملْكاً عميمَ الجودِ سحَّ النّدَى
أجدى منَ الوابِلِ أو أنْفَعا

26. He united the hearts of the people through justice
And his favors dispersed what was united

٢٦. ألّفَ بالعدِل قُلوبَ الوَرى
وفرّقَتْ يُمْناهُ ما جمّعا

27. Delegations hasten eagerly to him
From the farthest reaches of the horizons

٢٧. يهْوي إليْهِ الوَفْدُ مُسْتأنِساً
منْ نازِحِ الآفاقِ ما أشْسَعا

28. Until when they saw his face
Sight of him verified for them what was heard

٢٨. حتّى إذا ما أبْصَروا وَجْهَهُ
صدّقَ مرْأىً عندَهُمْ مَسْمَعا

29. He surrounded the lands of God after
The wind of injustice shook them to their foundations

٢٩. حاطَ بِلادَ اللهِ منْ بعدِما
هبّتْ بِها ريحُ العِدَى زِعْزِعا

30. And the hearts of all people beseeched through him
And God, Sublime is His Name, is Hearer of prayer

٣٠. وابتَهَلتْ فيهِ قُلوبُ الوَرى
واللهُ جلّ اسْماً سَميعُ الدُّعا

31. So He protected it from the passing of misfortunes
If it intended destruction or trembling

٣١. فصانَها منْهُ بماضِي الظُّبَى
إنْ هَمّ أمْضى أو هَمى أتْرَعا

32. He unsheathed the swords and pulled the spears
And made the enemies drink what they made others drink

٣٢. فجرّد البيضَ وجرّ القَنا
وجرّعَ الأعْداء ما جرَّعا

33. O champion of the faith, protector of guidance
If an ordeal befell him or alarmed him

٣٣. يا ناصِرَ الدّينِ وحامِي الهُدَى
إنْ غالهُ خطْبٌ وإنْ روّعا

34. I have no words to match what you have bestowed
Even if I become the most eloquent of tongues

٣٤. ما لي بِما أوْلَيْتَ منْ مِقْوَل
وإنْ غدَوْتُ اللَّسِن المِصْقَعا

35. So meet the days joyfully,
And reap the harvest of victory for it is ripe

٣٥. فاسْتَقْبِلِ الأيّامَ وضّاحَةً
واجْنِ جنيَ النّصْرِ فقدْ أيْنَعا

36. And enjoy the celebrations of Nayrouz,
Its gates have been opened wide

٣٦. وهْنأ بنَيْروزٍ مسَرّاتُه
قدْ أصْبَحَتْ أبوابُها شُرَّعا

37. You remain the pillar of exalted rule, the summit of glory,
As long as pilgrims circle the House or traverse the hills

٣٧. دُمْتَ رفيعَ المُلْكِ سامِي العُلا
ما طافَ بالبَيْتِ امْرُؤ أو سَعى