
By God, if my life were in my hands

والله لو كانت حياتي في يدي

1. By God, if my life were in my hands
Along with ignorance of God's promise or meeting Him

١. واللهِ لوْ كانَتْ حَياتي في يَدي
مَع جهْلِ وعْدِ اللهِ أو لُقْياهُ

2. In lowly living where no man is obliged
To provide one's food and drink

٢. في خفْضِ عيْشٍ لا تُكَلِّفُ منّة ال
إنْسانِ مَطْعمَهُ ولا سُقْياهُ

3. This injurious, crowded world
Would not be what a rational one hopes for its remainder

٣. ما كانَ هذا العالَمُ الجَمُّ الأذى
ممّا يُؤمّلُ عاقِلٌ بُقْياهُ