
They said the gatherings of our master are

قالوا ولائم مولانا مجالسها

1. They said the gatherings of our master are
Twenty from the morning counted for the night

١. قالوا وَلائِمُ موْلانا مَجالِسُها
عِشْرونَ منْ ضَحْوَةٍ للّيْلِ مَعْدودَةْ

2. So I said their kinds in benefit are cures
And some of them but the whole are praised

٢. فقُلْتُ ألوانُها في النّفْعِ أدوِيَةٌ
والبَعْضُ منْها بلِ المَجْموعُ مَحْمودَةْ