
Be wary of the turns of fate,

كن من صروف الردى على حذر

1. Be wary of the turns of fate,
Time accepts no excuses from one making apologies.

١. كُنْ مِنْ صُروفِ الرّدى على حَذَرِ
لا يَقْبَلُ الدّهْرُ عذْرَ معتَذِرِ

2. Do not rely on calm therein,
For you are in a castle, and in Hellfire.

٢. ولا تُعوِّلْ فيهِ على دَعَةٍ
فأنتَ في قلْعةٍ وفي سقَرِ

3. Every stream leads to thirst,
And every safety calls to delusions.

٣. فكُلُّ رِيٍّ يفْضي الى ظمإٍ
وكُلُّ أمْنٍ يدْعو الى غَرَرِ

4. Every living being, death is its end,
And every benefit draws one nearer to harm.

٤. وكلُّ حيٍّ فالموْتُ غايَتُهُ
وكلُّ نفْعٍ يُدْني الى ضرَرِ

5. How many lofty noses does time humble!
Without fault, yet time and fate oppress them!

٥. كمْ شامِخِ الأنْفِ ينْثَني فرَحاً
بالَ عليْهِ زمانُهُ وخَري

6. Say to the dim-witted minister: today
The raids of the enemy galloped in your garden.

٦. قُلْ للوَزيرِ البَليدِ قد ركَضَتْ
في ربْعِكَ اليوْمَ غارَةُ الغِيَرِ

7. O son of Abu al-Fath, a lineage inverted!
No conquest came from you, nor victory!

٧. يا ابْنَ أبي الفتْحِ نسْبَةٌ عُكِسَتْ
فَلا بفَتْحٍ أتَتْ ولا ظَفَرِ

8. A ministry which its holder could not find,
From its ill fortune, any to share its burden.

٨. وِزارَةٌ لمْ يَجِدْ مقَلِّدُها
عنْ شُؤمِها في الوُجودِ منْ وَزَرِ

9. In the ascendant of bad luck were you girded with its rank,
All things in the grasp of destiny!

٩. في طالِعِ النّحْسِ حُزْتَ رُتْبَتَها
وكلُّ شيءٍ في قبْضَةِ القَدَرِ

10. What test did you not impose
Upon a body cursed or an opinion?

١٠. أيُّ اخْتبارٍ لمْ يألُ نصْبَتَهُ
في جسَدٍ للنّحوسِ أو نظَرِ

11. The buyer regrets the loss to him
And the cream is burnt away from the moon!

١١. باتَ لهُ المُشتَري على غبَنٍ
وأُحْرِقَت فيهِ قُرْصَةُ القَمَرِ

12. O you who are fruitless, no deeds to your name!
O you barren tree, no fruits to claim!

١٢. يا طَلَلاً ما عليْهِ منْ عمَلٍ
يا شجَراً ما لدَيْهِ منْ ثمَرِ

13. O prodigal of ignorance and folly! You are not reckoned
Except among the cattle and beasts!

١٣. يا مُفْرِطَ الجهْلِ والغَباوَةِ لا
يُحْسَبُ إلا منْ جُمْلَةِ البَقَرِ

14. O habitual harbinger of spite and vulgarity!
Who distinguishes not between oppressor and innocent!

١٤. يا دائِمَ الحِقْدِ والفَظاظَةِ لا
يفَرِّقُ بيْنَ ظالِمٍ وبَري

15. O camel-like of complexion, kindling
With envy afire with embers!

١٥. يا كَمِدَ اللّوْنِ ينْطَفي كمَدا
منْ حسَدٍ يسْتَطيرُ بالشّرَرِ

16. O justice of a packed saddle, O base seated one
Filled with suspicion and filth!

١٦. يا عِدْلَ سَرْجٍ يا دنَّ مُقْتَعَدٍ
مَلآنَ منْ رِيبَةٍ ومنْ قَذَرِ

17. O one who travels to lewdness, roaming the night,
With Lord of the hunt at dawn!

١٧. يا واصِلاً للجَشاءِ ناشيَةَ الْ
لَيْلِ ورَبَّ الضُّراطِ في السّحَرِ

18. Without shame, no heeding of God,
In manner or conscience!

١٨. من غَيْر لُبٍّ ولا مُراقَبةٍ
للهِ في موْرِد ولا صَدَرِ

19. O one whose glory is dead, who sees
The sons in law of notables as a pride to boast!

١٩. يا خامِلاً جاهُهُ الفُروجُ يَرى
صِهْرَ أولي الجاهِ فخْرَ مُفْتَخِرِ

20. They were originally Nabataean or Abyssinian,
No lesson for you in that, O unconsidering one!

٢٠. كانوا نَبيطاً في الأصْلِ أو حَبَشاً
ما عِنْدَهُ عِبْرَةٌ بمُعْتَبِرِ

21. O you deficient in religion, chivalry, intellect,
With a tongue that babbles nonsense!

٢١. يا ناقِصَ الدّينِ والمُروءَةِ والْ
عَقْلِ ومُجْري اللّسانِ بالهَذَرِ

22. O son of vileness, no veil drawn,
Your talk, O son of corrupt origin!

٢٢. يا ولَدَ السَّحْقِ غيرَ مكْتَتَمٍ
حَديثُهُ يا ابْنَ فاسِدِ الدُّبُرِ

23. O mule of a mill, spinning therein,
The diligent traveler, eyes tightly shut!

٢٣. يا بغْلَ طاحونَةٍ يَدورُ بِها
مُجْتهِدَ السّيْرِ مغْمَضَ البَصَرِ

24. In ten months you have ground them down,
So O millstone of ill omen and ruin, turn!

٢٤. في أشْهُرٍ عشْرَةٍ طحَنْتَهُمُ
فَيا رَحى الشّؤمِ والبَوارِ دُري

25. By God! You were no star, but
Only a monkey of monkeys!

٢٥. واللهِ ما كُنْتَ يا مَشومُ ولا
أنْتَ سِوى عُرّةٍ منَ العُرَرِ

26. And who is Abu al-Fath among dogs? What
Importance in days has an ignorant one?

٢٦. ومَنْ أبو الفتْحِ في الكِلابِ وهلْ
لجاهِلٍ في الأيّامِ منْ خطَرِ

27. Time concealed your shame from you,
Though it leaves nothing concealed today!

٢٧. قد ستَرَ الدّهْرُ منْكَ عوْرَتَهُ
وكانَ لليوْمِ غيْرَ مُسْتَتِرِ

28. A grocer's stall walking on a horse
While a bull of marriage promenades with ink!

٢٨. حانوتُ بَزٍّ يمْشي على فَرَسٍ
وثَوْرُ عُرْسٍ يخْتالُ في حِبَرِ

29. No favor is gained by one who quarrels,
No tongue makes clear any news.

٢٩. لا منّةٌ تُقْتَنى لمُعْتَرَكٍ
ولا لِسانٌ يُبينُ عنْ خَبَرِ

30. No hand aspires to generosity,
No clarity comforts from gloom.

٣٠. ولا يَدٌ تَنْتَمي الى كَرَمٍ
ولا صَفاةٌ يُريحُ منْ كَدَرِ

31. My pact with that forehead - its branches
Are filled with scattered, flowing blood!

٣١. عهْدي بذاكَ الجَبينِ قدْ مُلِئَتْ
غُصونُهُ الغُبْرُ بالدّمِ الهَدَرِ

32. My pact with that thick nape - it has
Extended to the striking place of the executioner's sword!

٣٢. عهْدي بذاكَ القَفا الغليظِ وقدْ
مُدَّ لوقْعِ المهنّدِ الذَّكَرِ

33. A vengeful palm has cast you into the sea,
A powerful palm has thrown you to the whale!

٣٣. أهْدَتْكَ للبَحْرِ كفُّ مُنْتَقِمٍ
ألْقَتْكَ للحوتِ كفُّ مُقْتَدِرِ

34. O bereavement of your little children, and their
Perplexity after that in maturity!

٣٤. يا يُتْمَ أولادِكَ الصّغارِ ويا
حيْرَتُهُمْ بعْدَ ذاك في الكِبَرِ

35. O sterility of their mother, deaf,
With death coming unawaited!

٣٥. يا ثُكْلَ تلكَ الصّمّاءِ أمِّهِمُ
وظاعِنُ الموْتِ غيرُ منتَظِرِ

36. By God, from her loss came to them
No expectation afterward, nor comfort!

٣٦. واللهِ لا نالَ منْ تخلُّفِهِ
منْ أمَلٍ بعْدَها ولا وَطَرِ

37. By God, O contemptible man! Only your foot moved
From her to Hellfire!

٣٧. واللهِ يا مَسْخَفانُ لا انْتَقلَتْ
رِجْلُكَ منْها إلا الى سقَرِ

38. May God afflict you with abasement and not
Pasture you among those you left from your flock!

٣٨. ألحَقَكَ اللهُ بالهَوانِ ولا
رَعاكَ فيمَنْ تركْتَ منْ عُرَرِ

39. Night is not punished with morning,
Nor does lightning race the rain.

٣٩. ما عُوقِبَ اللّيلُ بالصّباحِ وما
تقدّمَ البَرْقُ عارِضَ المطَرِ