1. Turn it between a flute and a lute,
And seize the time of bliss as long as you are alive,
١. أدِرْها بينَ مِزْمارٍ وعُودِ
ودونَكَ فاغْتَنِمْ زَمَنَ السّعودِ
2. For the chill of the garden is embroidered at the margins,
And the light of the crescent is strung as necklaces.
٢. فبُرْدُ الرّوْضِ مَرْقومُ الحَواشي
وَدرُّ الطّلِّ منْظومُ العُقودِ
3. The wing of night has folded horizons,
And the dawn has unfurled contracts.
٣. وجُنْحُ اللّيلِ مَطْويُّ النّواحي
وضوْءُ الفَجْرِ منْشورُ البُنودِ
4. Take it while the warblers are in discord,
And the morning star is kindled with firewood.
٤. وخُذْها والبلابِلُ في خِصام
ونجْمُ الصُّبْحِ مُلْتَهِبُ الوَقودِ
5. Brides in the radiance of goblets adorned,
Clothed in veils and blushing cheeks.
٥. عَرائِسُ في حُلى الكاساتِ تُجْلى
مورّدَةَ التَّرائِبِ والخُدودِ
6. We have asked for her hand, and intimacy was the dowry,
And the melodies of the lute were the witnesses.
٦. خَطَبْناها وكانَ الأُنْسُ مَهْراً
وألْحانُ القِيانِ منَ الشُّهودِ
7. Suns that whenever they set and rise
On mouths they rise on blushing cheeks.
٧. شُموساً كُلّما غَرَبَتْ ولاحَتْ
على الأفْواهِ تطلُعُ في الخُدودِ
8. The languid-eyed one when she turns,
You see the branch sporting in the meadow.
٨. وفاتِنَةِ اللِّحاظِ إذا تثَنّتْ
رأيْتَ الغُصْنَ يمْرَحُ في البُرودِ
9. A doe-eyed gazelle accustomed to hunting lions,
She enchants him with sickly glances,
٩. غَزالَةِ رَبْرَبٍ ومَهاةِ قَفْرٍ
تَعوّدَ طَرْفُها صَيْدَ الأسودِ
10. And deprives him of sleep with sleepy eyelids.
When the melodies of the instruments speak,
١٠. فتُمْرِضُها بألحاظٍ مِراضٍ
وتُسْهِرُها بأجفانٍ رُقودِ
11. We sway like pliant twigs.
I praise the hand of fate for
١١. إذا ما اسْتَنْطَقَتْ نَغَم المَثاني
ثَنَيْنا هَزّةً قُضْبَ القُدودِ
12. Allowing me to enjoy her despite the envious.
I say to my friend while the breeze blows,
١٢. حمِدُْت يدَ الزّمانِ عليَّ لمّا
نعِمْتُ بها علَى رَغْمِ الحَسودِ
13. And the rose of intimacy is offered in bouquets.
The branches of euphorbia intoxicated from
١٣. أقولُ لصاحِبي والرّاحُ تَجْري
ووَرْدُ الأُنْسِ مَبْذولُ الوُرودِ
14. The leaves in the green meadow.
The hand of the breeze shakes the dangling clusters,
١٤. وقد ماسَتْ غُصونُ البانِ سُكْراً
منَ الأوْراقِ في خُضْرِ البُرودِ
15. Mistaking them for cradled infants.
And if the clouds propose to them,
١٥. تَهُزُّ يَدُ النّسيمِ الطّلَّ فِيه
فتَحْسِبُها ولائِدَ في مُهودِ
16. You see the pitcher hurry in prostration.
Gardens among which houris walk,
١٦. وإنْ قامَ الغَمامُ بِها خَطيباً
تَرى الإبْريقَ يُسْرِعُ في السّجودِ
17. Is this the abode of eternity?
Enjoy, for time guarantees,
١٧. جِنانٌ بَيْنَهُنّ الحورُ تَمْشي
أحَقّاً هَذِهِ دارُ الخُلودِ
18. The hoped for and the promised.
For time has returned today as a feast,
١٨. تمتّعْ فالزّمانُ لَنا كفِيلٌ
بإيجازِ المؤمَّلِ والوعودِ
19. And humanity has donned the garb of existence.
With the hands of Joseph, Lord of hands,
١٩. فقَد عادَ الزّمانُ اليومَ عِيداً
وهَزَّ البِشْرُ أعْطافَ الوجودِ
20. And reviver of religion after stagnation.
The beauty of the kingdom, innovator of glories,
٢٠. بأوْبَةِ يوسُفٍ رَبِّ الأيادي
ومُحْيي الدّينِ منْ بَعْدِ الخُمودِ
21. Apple of creation, kindler of the firewood.
The family of Nasr raised him,
٢١. جَمالِ المُلْكِ مُبْتَدِعِ المَعالي
ثِمالِ الخَلْقِ مُنْتَجَعِ الوقودِ
22. The first in glory, power, and excellence.
Time has bowed to him, so he remains
٢٢. نَمَتْهُ منَ الخَلائِفِ آلِ نَصْرٍ
أولي الغاياتِ منْ بأسِ وَجُودِ
23. Delighting the eye, victorious over armies.
٢٣. ودانَ لهُ الزّمانُ فَدامَ فِيهِ
قَريرَ العيْنِ مَنْصورَ الجُنودِ