1. O breeze of the morning blowing on the leaves
My heart was stung, is there a healer?
١. يا نَسيمَ الصَّبا عَلَى الأوْراقِ
لُدِغَتْ مُهْجَتي فهَلْ منْ رَاقِي
2. The night’s parting renewed a pact
I had forgotten with the day of separation
٢. فُرْقةُ اللّيْلِ جدّدَتْ ليَ عهْداً
كُنْتُ نُسِّيتُهُ بيَوْم الفِراقِ
3. Now is the day of parting, but the people
Have dealt unjustly with the gentle souls
٣. آنَ يوْمُ الفِراقِ لكِنْ سَطَا
الخَلْقُ جَوْراً علَى النّفوسِ الرِّقاقِ
4. Ten has met ten, ten after ten
And their pillars have rushed to outpace
٤. قدْ تقضّتْ عشْرٌ الى عُشْرِ عَشْرٍ
وتولّتْ رِكابُها فِي اسْتِباقِ
5. What life in which we split, and intimacy
That brought the joy of the willow tree flow
٥. أيُّ عيْشٍ فيهِ قطَعْنا وأُنْسٍ
ساقَ شمْلَ السّرورِ أيَّ مَساقِ
6. The witness of truth is present, his face is not hidden
And the conversation is sweetly flowing
٦. شاهِدُ الحَقِّ حاضِرٌ ليْسَ يَخْفَى
وجْهُهُ والحَديثُ عذْبُ المَساقِ
7. We have taken off our slippers and sprawled out
In the assembly of the group and the sweet cupbearer
٧. قدْ خلَعْنا نِعالَنا وافْتَرَشْنا
حضْرَةَ الجمْعِ والحَبيبُ السّاقي
8. You went on your way, O night, how my youth fared
So fold your wing, you who roam the hall
٨. سِرْتَ يا لَيْلُ كيْفَ سارَ شَبابِي
فاحِمَ الجُنْحِ مُسْتَطِرَّ الرِّواقِ
9. Then old age came like the morning when it came
This and that, warnings of separation
٩. ثمّ جاءَ المَشيبُ كالصُّبْحِ إذْ جا
ءَكَ هَذا وذَا نَذيرُ افْتِراقِ
10. May God accompany you wherever you went, walking
The perfume has emanated from him through the horizons
١٠. صحِبَ اللهُ حيْثُ سِرْتَ رِكاباً
قدْ سَرَى الطّيبُ منْهُ في الآفاقِ
11. And you see, O one bidding farewell to companionship, out of deprivation and gratitude, when will be the reunion
And with the happiness of the Imam, hopes draw near
١١. وتَرَى يا مودِّعَ الصّحْبِ عنْ غَبْ
طٍ وشُكْرٍ مَتى يكون التّلاقِي
12. And joy is completed after fermentation
May God unite his group after the long lifetime
١٢. وبسَعْدِ الإمامِ تدْنُو الأماني
ويُزَمُّ السّرورُ بعْدَ ائْتِباقِ
13. In Eden, in eternal bliss
Whoever sees that existence is eternal
١٣. جمَعَ اللهُ شمْلَهُ بعْدَ طولِ العُمْ
رِ في عدْنٍ بالنّعيمِ الباقِي
14. He is in creation, nothing like Him
١٤. مَنْ رأى أنّ للوُجودِ دَواماً
فهْوَ في الخَلْقِ ما لهُ منْ خَلاقِ