
The first hour of night has passed,

ساعة أولى من الليل انقضت

1. The first hour of night has passed,
It began well and was fully accepted,

١. سَاعَةٌ أَولَى مِنَ اللَّيْلِ انْقَضَتْ
شَرَعَتْ شَرْعَ الرِّضَى وَافْتَرَضَتْ

2. A hand unraveled the beads of night,
And strung together what it unraveled.

٢. نَقَضَتْ مِنْ سُبْحَةِ الَّليْلِ يَدٌ
نَظَمتْ مِنْ سَبَجٍ مَا نَقَضَتْ

3. It left after intimacy and so,
The hour of intimacy when it was good, it left.

٣. وَمَضَتْ مِنْ بَعْدِ أنْسٍ وَكَذَا
سَاعةُ الْأُنْسِ إِذَا سَرَّتْ مَضَتْ

4. Disregard your soul, pay it no heed,
When the veils of illusion interpose.

٤. فَاجْلُ عَنْ نَفْسِكَ لاَ تَحْفِلْ بِهَا
حُجُبَ الْوَهمِ إِذَا مَا اعْتَرَضَتْ

5. And the flashes of truth, so turn toward them
The thoughts of resolve whenever they shine.

٥. وَبُرُوقُ الْحَقِّ فَاصْرِفْ نَحْوَهَا
خَاطِرَ الهمَّةِ مَهْمَا أَوْمَضَتْ

6. O son of Nasr, O namesake of Mustafa,
The wisdom of God ordained you honor.

٦. يَا ابْنَ نَصْر يَاسَمِيَّ المُصْطَفَى
حِكْمَةُ اللهِ لَكَ الْعِزَّ اقْتَضَتْ

7. So when you join in the fray,
The victory of God Most High will rise up.

٧. فَإذَا اسْتَنْهَضْتَ فِي مُعْتَرَكٍ
نُصْرَةَ اللهِ تَعَالَى نَهَضَتْ

8. It is the soul when the truth ignites,
It sheds every veil and stirs.

٨. وَهِيَ النَّفْسُ إِذَا الْحَقُّ اجتلَتْ
جَرَّدَتْ كُلَّ حِجَابٍ وَنَضَتْ

9. And when you give a goodly loan,
God will multiply for it what it loaned.

٩. وَإِذَا تُقْرضُ قَرْضاً حَسَناً
ضَاعَفَ اللهُ لَهَا مَا أَقْرَضَتْ

10. Acceptance of God and gratitude to Him
Expand hopes however constricted.

١٠. وَالرِّضَى بِاللهِ وَالشُّكْرُ لَهُ
يَبْسُطُ الآمَالَ مَهْمَا انْقَبَضَتْ