1. O brothers, do not forget the favor and kindness
For the light of God was almost extinguished by disbelief
١. أإخْوانَنا لا تنْسَوا الفضْلَ والعَطْفا
فقدْ كادَ نُورُ الله بالكُفْرِ أنْ يُطْفا
2. And when the water reached dangerous levels, you intervened
For the upright religion has provided you with strength
٢. وإذْ بلغَ الماءُ الزُّبَى فتدارَكوا
فقدْ بسَطَ الدّينُ الحَنيفُ لكُمْ كَفّا
3. Oppression took control of the people of Al-Andalus
Eagerly desiring the destruction of Islam amongst them
٣. تَحَكّمَ في سُكّانِ أندَلُسَ العِدَى
فلَهفاً على الإسلامِ ما بينَهُمْ لهْفا
4. Their waters have been mixed with their blood
If it was thirsty, there was no watering except with harm
٤. وقدْ مُزِجَتْ أمْواهُها بدِمائِها
فإنْ ظمِئَتْ لا رِيَّ إلاّ الرّدَى صِرْفا
5. The armies of disbelief moved among them
Leaving no hoof or trace upon it
٥. وجاسَتْ جُيوشُ الكُفْرِ بيْنَ خِلالِها
فَلا حافِراً أبْقَتْ علَيْها ولا ظِلْفا
6. Sleeping and heedless of the way of fate
No eye among them slept or was oblivious
٦. أنَوْماً وإغْفاءً علَى سِنَةِ الكَرى
وما نامَ طرْفٌ في حِماها ولا أغْفى
7. The enemies have surrounded us from all sides
We found no help or refuge from them
٧. أحاطَ بِنا الأعْداءُ منْ كلِّ جانِبٍ
فلا وَزَراً عنْهُمْ وجَدْنا ولا كَهْفا
8. The strongholds have become like vulnerable strongholds
Upon which disbelief resides and sips
٨. ثُغورٌ غدَتْ مثْلَ الثّغورِ ضَواحِكاً
أقامَ علَيْها الكُفْرُ يرْشُفُها رَشْفا
9. So the enemy has unpacked in a fortress
And misguidance took it as a religious endowment
٩. فمِنْ معْقِلٍ حلّ العَدوُّ عِقالَهُ
ومِنْ مسْجِدٍ صارَ الضّلالُ بهِ وقْفا
10. And an unmarried young woman's purity
Whose hands did not know doll-play or woodcarving
١٠. ومِنْ غادَةٍ بكرٍ جلَتْها يدُ الجَلا
ولمْ تدْرِ إلا دايَة قطُّ أو سَجْفا
11. And a rosy-cheeked girl
Who tosses and turns in fear among enemies
١١. ومِنْ صِبْيَةٍ حُمْرِ الحَواصِلِ أصبَحَتْ
تُقَلِّبُ ذُعْراً بينَ أعْدائِها الطّرْفا
12. And women who became bereaved, grieved
Witnessing weakness and frailty in their protectors
١٢. ومن نِسْوَةٍ أضحَتْ أيامَى حَواسِراً
تُعايِنُ في أعْوانِها الوَهْنَ والضَّعْفا
13. Our means is Islam, it is brotherhood
From the Highest Assembly that brings us close
١٣. وسِيلَتُنا الإسْلامُ وهْوَ أُخوّةٌ
من الملأِ الأعْلَى تُقَرِّبُنا زُلْفى
14. Out of fear, though we have taken refuge in the sanctity of the Chosen One
And humiliation, though we have taken refuge in the might of the Exalted
١٤. أخَوْفاً وقدْ لُذْنا بِجاهِ مَنِ ارْتَضى
وذُلاً وقدْ عُذْنا بعِزِّ منِ اسْتَصْفَى
15. Is there then a victor, certain in his certainty
Who will avenge the oppressed and suffice the content
١٥. فهَلْ ناصِرٌ مُسْتَبْصِرٌ في يَقينِه
يُجيزُ منِ اسْتَعْدى ويكْفي منِ اسْتَكفى
16. And one who fulfills for us God's promise
No breach of the promise of God or violation
١٦. ومُسْتَنْجِزٌ فِينا منَ اللهِ وعْدَهُ
فلا نكْثَ في وعْدِ الإلاهِ ولا خُلْفا
17. Is there among you a seller of himself for God
No purchaser worthier than God or more faithful
١٧. وهلْ بائِعٌ فينا منَ اللهِ نفْسَهُ
فلا مُشْتَرٍ أوْلَى منَ اللهِ أو أوْفَى
18. Is there doubt in God after the guidance has become clear
And how can the light of dawn in the horizon be hidden
١٨. أفي اللهِ شكّ بعْدَما وضَحَ الهُدَى
وكيْفَ لضَوْءِ الصُبْحِ في الأفْقِ أنْ يَخْفَى
19. And how can disbelief ravage us and around us
When tribes among you outnumber counting or description
١٩. وكيفَ يَعيثُ الكُفْرُ فينا ودونَنا
قَبائِلُ منكُم تُعْجِزُ الحصْرَ والوصْفا
20. Helpers of resolve, whenever they are asked for intention
Lions of assault, whenever they attend to battle
٢٠. غُيوثُ نَوالٍ كلّما سُئِلُوا النّوى
لُيوثٌ نِزالٍ كلّما حضَروا الزّحْفا
21. If one day they draw their pens, their scripts
Or if one day they dispatch, their pages would be scriptures
٢١. إذا كتَبَتْ يوْماً فأقلامُها القَنا
وإنْ أرسَلَتْ يوْماً كانَتْ صَفائِحُها الصُّحْفا
22. So stand for the truth in them, for it has excelled
And give for the victory of the religion, for it has healed
٢٢. فَقوموا برَسْمِ الحقِّ فِيها فقَدْ عَفا
وهُبّوا لنَصْرِ الدّينِ فيها فقدْ أشْفَى
23. And here we are, having taken refuge in your might
Hoping for God's grace and kindness
٢٣. وها نحْنُ قدْ لُذْنا بعِزِّ حِماكُمُ
ونَرْجو منَ اللهِ الإدالَةَ واللُّطْفا