
I say to the one who reproached me, do not pretend to understand what I have concealed

أقول لخل سامني فهم ما حوى

1. I say to the one who reproached me, do not pretend to understand what I have concealed
Nor think I am crooked when I am straight

١. أقولُ لِخِلٍّ سامَني فَهْمَ ما حَوَى
ولا عِوَجاً قدْ ظَنّ فيّ ولا أمْتَا

2. I looked but did not understand, and it is right for one who does not find understanding
To remain silent

٢. نَظَرْتُ فلَمْ أفْهَم وحُقَّ لناظِرٍ
إذا لمْ يَجِدْ فَهْماً بأنْ يَلْزَمَ الصّمْتا

3. And I believe the excuse is clearest
When you are blind in the sea of knowledge

٣. وعِنْدي أنّ العُذْرَ أوضَحُ واضِحٍ
إذا كُنتَ في بَحْرِ المَعارِفِ قد عُمْتَا