1. The fleas' cavalry crept towards me,
Darkness spread with their numerous army,
١. زَحَفَتْ إليّ رَكائِبُ البُرْغوثِ
نَمَّ الظّلامُ بركْبِها المَحْثوثِ
2. With the black seed it met my forehead,
Oh God, what an evil village it prepared!
٢. بالحَبّةِ السّوْداء قابَلَ مَقْدَمي
للّهِ أيَّ قِرًى أعدّ خَبيثِ
3. They crawled with their flies from my clothes' pasture,
At night, the rope of patience is feeble and frail.
٣. كَسَحَتْ بهِنّ ذُبابَ سَرْحِ تجَلُّدِي
لَيْلاً فحَبْلُ الصّبْرِ جِدُّ رَثِيثِ
4. If my soul endured their harm, it would worship,
Or if I complained of it, I would disdain my wailing.
٤. إنْ صابَرَتْ نَفْسي أذاهُ تعبّدَتْ
أو صِحْتُ منْهُ أنِفْتُ منْ تَحْنيثي
5. Two armies of night and fleas, so is there
An army of morning to my scream a savior!
٥. جَيْشانِ منْ لَيْلٍ وبُرْغوثٍ فهَلْ
جَيْشُ الصّباحِ لصَرْخَتي بمُغيثِ